Oenothera speciosa
Late Spring 2020
Late Spring 2020

Mexican Evening Primrose 🌸✅Note: Bumblebees adore this plant! #mexicanprimrose #eveningprimrose #flower #pinkflower #beemagnet #pollinatorplant #wildlifewednesday

I think I've got to find me some of these plants!!!!!

@dirtgirlworld thank you! 🙏☺️

@tinaaune It’s kind of funny because I don’t exactly know how I even got these plants. A few years ago a patch of them just popped up next to my shed & they have been expanding their area a little more every year since 👍😊 (I’m thinking bird droppings might be the cause (?) Birds are wonderful seed spreaders after all!!)

Have u ever harvested these seeds? Willing to do a seed swap?

@Tinaaune I have actually never harvested any seeds from my primroses before! However, I want to save some seed from them this year so I can plant more around other parts of my yard. I would like to see how viable the seeds are. I’ve never done a seed swap but I might consider it! 🤔💭

No pressure, just let me know later if u decide😊

@tinaaune 🙏 I will! I just went & harvested some seeds so I’m going to sow an experimental batch in my grow room once the seeds completely dry here shortly! Stay tuned! 📺 haha😊

Mexican Evening Primrose 🌸Bumblebee absolutely swimming in pollen!! 🌊🐝 #mexicanprimrose #eveningprimrose #flower #pinkflower #volunteer #beemagnet #pollinatorplant #wildlifewednesday
Excellent photo!!! #bees #savethebees #pollinators
Oh well this is off the charts fabulous!!! What type of wierd fluffy pollen has this one gotten into? It looks like yellow cotton candy! #bestofseptember #pollenheavy #pollenpacked go home and drop some off why don't ya!
@camilio81 thank you!! & Nice hashtags too ☺️
@tinaaune 🙏😂!! It totally DOES look like cotton candy!! Haha! & yeah his pollen load got so heavy I actually thought he might not be able to fly off!! 😆
Wow, great pic!! @kypie8 #beefriendly #beekind
@jewelry That’s what I thought too!
@saco Thank you!! I like the hash tags you added too 😊
Great photo Kyra 👌😮
@flof1952 Thanks, Pauline! 😊