@gjones EVERYTHING in those days was made to look like some sort of overbearing flower, usually in a hot zingy color like these. You are so on the mark. Some fashion queen would go out in a bellbottomed jumpsuit with giant sneezeweeds printed on the fabric, a chain of them around her neck in enamel and a matching cocktail ring and earrings.
#midwesternnative #colorpop
@gjones EVERYTHING in those days was made to look like some sort of overbearing flower, usually in a hot zingy color like these. You are so on the mark. Some fashion queen would go out in a bellbottomed jumpsuit with giant sneezeweeds printed on the fabric, a chain of them around her neck in enamel and a matching cocktail ring and earrings.
@gjones @emch I was born in the early 70's. I don't remember the fashions much except those dreaded bell bottoms. I never liked them.
I loved the bellbottoms myself, but all that orange and yellow was hideous to me @laketitlow