Impatiens balsamina
Rose Balsam
- Late Summer 2021
- 17
- 0
- Mid Summer 2021
- 12
- 0
- Late Summer 2020
- 22
- 0
- Late Summer 2020
- 21
- 11
- Late Summer 2019
- 15
- 2
- Late Summer 2019
- 19
- 1
- Mid Summer 2019
- 12
- 0
Impatiens balsamina
- Late Summer 2021
- 17
- Mid Summer 2021
- 12
- Late Summer 2020
- 22
- Late Summer 2020
- 21
Balsam...that generally means old-fashioned impatiens, right? Do they self-seed for you? These are just beautiful.
@greenroomgarden yes. Old fashioned impatients. Yes. They are prolific seeders. I generally try to catch the seeds in a jar. Although they handle standing water so i started some in my rain gardens to replace the swamp milkweed. I have to move the milkweed to higher ground so the caterpillars will not drown from the storm water.
I love the idea of rain gardens — that sounds wonderful. I had a pot of pale white/pink balsam two years ago, and it self-seeded into a glorious riot throughout my patio last year...but then only a single plant this year. I’m trying to figure out what might’ve happened, and I love the colors you’ve got...going to be scouring the seed catalogs! Thanks. 😀
@greenroomgarden I can mail you some seeds if you like. I collect the seeds every year. It helps to control them.
That’s so generous of you, thank you!That’d be wonderful. Is there a way to private message here so I can get you my address? Thanks again for your offer, really. 😀❤️
@greenroomgarden I am not sure how to do that. I know people send seeds to others on here. My email is the same as my lake name at does that make sense?
It does! I’ll send an email later today. It’ll be from an address. Thank you so much again!
@greenroomgarden did you try emailing me? I have had some crazy things happen with rescuing a Sr stray cat from the streets. I got him into ruff start dog rescue but he bit me and now I am stuck in the hospital. So I won the war but lost the battle. However Mr stray cat is also stuck at the vets because of health issues.
Oh no!! I’m so sorry to hear that - did the bite get infected, then? Many kudos for taking care of poor Mr. Sr. Stray kitty, and glad you’re both getting care. I did try emailing, and was going to check in... I did titlow@ the suffix you gave, and was wondering if I misunderstood. Please advise, but only when things calm down for you a bit! 😀 Get well soon.
@greenroomgarden try laketitlow
Ah-ha! Thanks. 🙂
- Late Summer 2019
- 15
I had 8 hummingbirds and 3 sphynx moths in these tonight.
@gjones I like them too! They seed a lot though. They also work in rain gardens.
- Late Summer 2019
- 19
@gjones thank you
- Mid Summer 2019
- 12