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Profile Image Nick Barban


Fell into this job as a gardener by complete accident. Used to sell life insurance! I love Formula1, Tennis, Jiving and my Krissy. Not in that order😏

Aucuba japonica 'Golden King'

  • Season Icon Late AutumnLate Autumn 2017
  • Like Count 3

This was recovered from a pot tucked away in the back corner of a garden. Looking sad and dry, it’s now looking fabulous! I’ll be recording some crafty Christmassy videos in the next few weeks including making your own wreaths, garlands and table decorations. Also, tips on choosing a tree, how to make it last and our finished tree. Can’t take credit for that though, my significant other is the genius there :) #christmas #video #aucuba-japonica #berries #christmastree
