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Profile Image Jamie H


I love plants and gardening! I'm working on turning my black thumb to green. Hopefully this app can help. I'm in USDA Zone 8A.

Paphiopedilum Maudiae

  • Season Icon Late SpringLate Spring 2020
  • Like Count 7

6/10/2020 I got a few orchids back in early Jan. 2020 but never posted a photo, apparently. Anyway, here's one of them. A #lady-slipper-orchid that is also known as #paphiopedilum-maudiae apparently. The tag says "Paph. (Hsinying Yahoo x Callosum) x (Hsinying Art Pie x Hsinying Critron)" but Google wasn't useful for that. Either way, I like the #mottled-leaves and I hope I can get it to bloom soon!
