Petunia 'Kleph15313' syn. Petunia 'Night Sky', Petunia 'Headliner Night Sky'
Petunia 'Night Sky'
Mid Spring 2019
- 1
Early Spring 2019
- 5
Late Autumn 2018
- 1
Mid Autumn 2018
- 1
Mid Autumn 2018
- 1
Mid Autumn 2018
- 1
Mid Autumn 2018
- 1
Early Autumn 2018
- 1
Early Autumn 2018
- 1

Petunia 'Kleph15313' syn. Petunia 'Night Sky', Petunia 'Headliner Night Sky'
Mid Spring 2019
Early Spring 2019

4/19/2019 Finally got in some #nightskypetunia and got to plant them. I'm testing how they do in a pot versus the ground. I have another two I hope to plant in the ground once the plant murdering dog we're watching goes back to his owner.

I grew them last season in pots and they were spectacular. #petunia-nightsky

@Annettenoosa I received them in a pot in early October and then they seemed to die off when winter came, possibly I drowned them. Unsure. I'm hoping to keep these alive for a while! And the ones I intend to plant in the ground! They're so beautiful!

@leeloodallas Petunias are an annual plant and will die in cold N.Hemisphere winter. Plant new seeds (or buy seedlings) in Spring for summer blooms. Opposite for me here in subtropics with warm winter. Mine bloom from late autumn, through winter and die off in the hot spring/summer.

@Annettenoosa That'll explain it! I thought I had read they could survive here if brought inside for the cold but maybe not. They're so pretty! Thanks!
Late Autumn 2018

12/15/2018 This is the last picture of the #nightskypetunia for a while. She appeared to be going dormant so I trimmed back her branches. Hopefully she'll come back and flourish in thr Spring.
Mid Autumn 2018

11/6/2018 I was worried it was maybe dying from being over watered but I think it was just a slight shock from re-potting. I really like this plant. #nightskypetunia
Mid Autumn 2018

11/6/2018 I'm really loving the effect these cooler temperatures are having on my petunias! #nightskypetunia #constellations #freckles
Mid Autumn 2018

The first flowers the boyfriend got me are so pretty! The cool nights and days we've had have really brought out the constellation coloring for the flowers and I love it! #nightskypetunia
Mid Autumn 2018

We've had a series of cold, rainy days for almost two or so weeks now. While I wasn't a fan of the weather, my Night Sky Petunia loved it, at least in regards to looking even more like constellations/freckles! I love it! #nightskypetunia #purpleplants
Early Autumn 2018

Here's the entire plant. So pretty.
Early Autumn 2018

Gift from a date and I love it! I'll try to get a better photo in the morning. #petunia #night-sky
5/14/2019 This is kind of fun! The flowers on the right are getting morning sun with shade in the afternoons. The ones on the right with more white are getting more direct sun throughout the day. I'm hoping to plant them in the ground sometime soon or somewhere that allows them a bit of full sun/partial shade. They get more intense "constellations" of white based on the best they are receiving! #nightskypetunia