Impatiens walleriana 'Peach Swirl'
Busy Lizzie 'Peach Swirl'
Mid Spring 2016
- 1
Early Spring 2016
- 15

Impatiens walleriana 'Peach Swirl'
Mid Spring 2016
Early Spring 2016

My first attempt at growing something. Not very impressive but I'm excited to see them grow, and to buy many more plants. #clueless #intrigued

Hello Lee 👋 Thank you for posting what we hope will be the first of many photos. 👏

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You may find you will have to turn this plant or it will get leggy trying to get to the light @leemartinez

Thank you @kathy will once a week be enough?

Keep your eye on it and when it starts bending into the light turn it. Have you pinched out the growing tip? It will make the plant bush out of you do @leemartinez 😊

Yeah I heard about doing that @Kathy but i was to frightened incase I totally ruined it😁

You won't

Done it. Will keep you posted @kathy

try keeping orchids, im getting slightly addicted to them ;)

Finding an orchid was on my agenda today so hopefully I find a nice one.
Coming along lovely 🙌