Crassula Kimnachi
Mid Autumn 2018
Late Summer 2017

Buddha's Temple got here 😍❤ came with a free gift (top left) that I think might be a Huernia? Was also expecting the cutting to be slightly rooted, or at least be showing some signs of rooting. For all I know it might be haha. Will have go do some googling and look at the typical roots of these little guys 😊 Roots or not I'm so happy to finally have a cutting of one of these ❤ #succulent #succulents #plantid #huernia #plantid-succulent #buddhastemple #succulentaddict #succulentsunday

Oh my...LOVE them!! Good luck! 😊😊

No roots on there that I can see. They're just typical white succulent roots. Can be quite skinny though

@Alcurtis93 Ty! Hopefully it'll put some out eventually 😊

Do you have any advice for rooting them? @Alcurtis93 and I might be coming to you with more questions eventually 😅 you're one of the only people I'm following that has a Buddhas so I'll be treating you like the resident expert haha! 😊

Haha @levalar I've taken 3 cuttings now including tiny baby ones so I'm fairly confident yours will be okay. I've done one in water, one in soil and one I just left in a bright place until I saw it had roots then I put it in a pot and gave it a drink. Water one rooted quicker but soil works fine too
😍😍😍 right one doesn't have roots yet, just calloused but the one shooting out pu0s has a nice root system going 👍#succulent #succulents #succulentsunday #buddhastemple