Deutzia scabra
Late Spring 2018
Late Spring 2018

Help me identify this plant @plantid @pelly @ublaszko @mikethegardener @valjones-hughes @rbetts25 I have had this shrub around 25 years. Avoids all efforts to get rid of it as it’s really too big for my garden. Bought in Woolworths with 4 other shrubs for about £5. But forgot what it is. May as well enjoy it now

I think it’s Lilly of the valley

No. It’s not that. I see what you mean. But it’s a large shrub. Will take another picture when it’s in flower

I’m wondering if it is a mock orange will wait for the flowers to see

Think it cd be mock orange or choisia not sure 😊

Could be mock orange, thinking leaves not right for choisia.

The buds look like the ones on my mock orange. The only thing that's puzzling me is that these buds seem to be grouped in a panicle of flowers, rather than a cluster. Maybe we can get a better idea once the buds open? Do you remember if the flowers are fragrant? Btw, I have one mock orange that doesn't have fragrance, just to confuse things even more.

As an afterthought, could it be deutzia? Deutzia and mock orange are so similar! 😥 I just had a look at deutzia flowers on Google and they grow in these panicles rather than clusters. Deutzia is a fragrant shrub too but I don't know what the smell is like as I've never seen one in person. @valjones-hughes @Williamson @marym

Yeah I cd be not sure yeah the leaves don't look so much like choisia was outside cdnt see very well I'd wait till the flowers open and then see 😊

I had a think on my walk from work and I don't think it's a mock orange. I'm leaning towards deutzia now 😁😁

I have a deutzia and the leaves are not as glossy and the edges are more serrated. Think we need the flowers😉
So my mystery plant is coming into flower. I am going with #deutzia from what I have seen in the encyclopaedia. Can you confirm or deny @ublaszko @mrsflowerpot @pelly @mikethegardener @valjones-hughes
I'm not sure. It's either deutzia or mock orange. I'm not very good at seeing the difference between them. 😂😂 Maybe if the flowers have scent? Mock orange has distinctive citrusy scent (although I ended up with an unscented one 😬).
I think deutzia - early flower shape, sepals and still the leaves.