Impatiens walleriana
Busy Lizzie
Late Summer 2019
- 1
Early Spring 2019
- 1
Late Winter 2019
- 5
Mid Autumn 2018
- 4

Impatiens walleriana
Late Summer 2019
Early Spring 2019

I couldn’t resist letting it flower but I did take cuttings. Nicely rooted and potted up 😉
Late Winter 2019

I overwintered this Busy Lizzie indoors. I can see a bud forming. Should I nip it out or leave it. I’m also wondering if I should take cuttings and root them in water as the shoots are quite bare at the bottom. It does seem quite healthy though

Definitely pinch the flower out Faigie and a couple of cuttings wouldn’t harm 👍👍

Agree with @pelly, it will bush up if you take the tops and bizzy lizzy roots easily in water.

Thanks @pelt @valjones-hughes

Mid Autumn 2018

These are flowering better than they did the whole summer. Do I pot them up and bring them inside or r just discard when the frost comes

I read that I can take cuttings. Has anyone tried it?

They're not worth overwintering, but you could try rooting some cuttings in water, just make sure you don't let the leaves get wet. If you are successful you must keep them in a frost free place until spring. Hope this helps Faigie 👍👍

Thanks. Will try with a few
I think I may root some of these and overwinter them. The pink one on bottom left is from a cutting I took last autumn