Geranium 'Gerwat' syn. Geranium 'Rozanne'
Cranesbill 'Rozanne'
Late Spring 2023
- 7
Early Summer 2021
- 15
Mid Summer 2020
- 18
Early Autumn 2019
- 25
Early Summer 2019
- 6

Geranium 'Gerwat' syn. Geranium 'Rozanne'
Late Spring 2023
Early Summer 2021

Hi folks, not much time to spend in my garden at the moment as my mum's not been well so having to do quite a bit to support her, as well as already supporting mum-in-law. Love seeing all your gardens though when I sit down at the end of the day with a cuppa. 🌸🌹🌻

Make sure you take care of yourself as well, Sue, as looking after others can take its toll. 😘😘

Morning Sue. Non more important than our Mums hope they'll both be feeling better soon. Take care of yourself 😘😘😘

Hope they are both okay and recover soon. Look after yourself in the meantime too Sue 😘 x

Hi Sue, sorry to hear that but remember to look after yourself too 💙💙💙

Take care Sue 😍

Thinking of you 💐 take care x

Aww hope she feels better soon Sue .. big hugs 🤗

Thanks everyone, much appreciated 😘 @jacaranda @flof1952 @italydiva @pelly @anges @debs69 @juliesgarden

Beautiful and what a wonderful photo 💙💙

Thank you Chris, I saw yours is in flower too, they're such a fab colour aren't they @midnightgardener

@lilybee They sure are Sue. I hope you're keeping well 💙💙
Mid Summer 2020

Yesterday when we had our first family get together since Xmas, it poured with rain so we couldn't sit in the garden. Today ......of course it's brilliant sunshine! Enjoy your day 🌞

On my wish list for next year

It's growing in shade in my garden Jim and seems quite happy 🙂 @Jimfwhitmore

@lilybee good to know as my garden faces east so have a south side and north side. Will be good to see if they grow in my North side

I hope you had a lovely day despite the rain🥳👍. It was my mums 83rd Birthday yesterday and we had to contend with 'window time' to see her😢 Heartbreaking, especially for my dad. But she was in good spirits although couldn't understand why she couldn't have any of the cake my sister had baked for her! 😊

Perfect flower 💙

Thanks Celina, it was my mum's 79th birthday yesterday and we also invited mum in law who is 88, so it was nice to get both of them together - I turned our conservatory into a socially distanced cafe! So glad you got to see your mum and she was in good spirits 😘 @cee

Thanks Rich 🙂 @richard.spicer.7906

Thanks Jeff 🙂 @jeatacake


Thanks Katie 🙂 @brightcolours
Early Autumn 2019

#macro Morning everyone, this is still flowering after several months, such a great colour 💙. Enjoy your weekend 🙂

Morning cracking picture @lilybee

Fab pic 👍

Morning Sue, great photo 💜

Morning Sue, that's a great shot 💙💜

Wow perfect 💜💜

Thank you Wayne 😊 @wtwitchell6969

Thanks very much Debra @debs69

Thank you Ange. 🙂 @anges

Thanks Jane 😊 @pelly

Thanks very much Julie 🙂 @juliesgarden

Early Summer 2019

Well this was certainly worth the wait! 💙 Enjoy your day. 🙂

Morning, they're such a great colour 💙💜💙💜

Once she pops she won’t stop! Love her 💜

I love it Ange, hope it will spread too. @anges

Hope so as I definitely need more flowers - have too much green at the moment! @rachelbrooks

My favourite 😉
#shadeloving Grows quite happily underneath our oak tree and I love the colour too. Enjoy your day.
#bestofjune 😍😍
#perfect 💙
Thank you everyone 😊 @sherrisgarden @columbiariver @brightcolours @novicegardenlover
Beautiful and a beautiful photo too, perfect 💙💙💙💙
Thanks Chris 😊 @midnightgardener