Rudbeckia fulgida var. sullivantii 'Goldsturm'
Coneflower 'Goldsturm'
Late Summer 2024
- 1
Late Summer 2023
- 5
Mid Summer 2022
- 18
Late Summer 2021
- 11
Early Autumn 2020
- 6
Late Summer 2020
- 14
Mid Summer 2020
- 5
Late Summer 2019
- 3
Late Summer 2019
- 11
Mid Summer 2019
- 4
Mid Summer 2018
- 0

Rudbeckia fulgida var. sullivantii 'Goldsturm'
Late Summer 2024
Late Summer 2023

Pouring with rain here today so here's a photo from earlier this week. Enjoy your day. 🌻🌻🌻

Bright and beautiful 🤩


Thank you @debs69 @hebelover - definitely one of my favourites 💛

They're beautiful 💛💛💛💛🤎🤎
Mid Summer 2022

Hi folks, hope you're all ok. Life is good here - it's rained 🌧, these Rudbeckia are looking lovely 💛, and after my cochlear implant was switched on I can hear so much more including all the birds in our garden 🐦🐦🐦. Enjoy your day.

Morning Sue, such good news about your cochlear implant 🙂🌼💐🐦

Hi Sue, so glad your ear op went well for you, I missed your post about having it done (I seem to miss lots of posts) 🤨

Fabulous news on all fronts 😀👍🏼

Hi sue sorry i must have missed your post, glad it all went ok , I bet its amazing to be able to hear again 😍, keep trying to get my OH to go and see if he is suitable for one as he’s just about stone deaf now , hasn’t heard birds or the phone for years ! I

That's great news Sue 👍😘

Bright and beautiful 🤩 glad you able to hear better 🥰

It certainly is Ange, lost count of the time I've just spent listening to birds when I should be doing other things! @anges

Thanks Sarah, it's gine amazingly well. Sometimes I miss posts too, and then other times posts seem to be repeated! @sieveheadsarah

Thanks so much Angela 🙂 @italydiva

Thanks Julie, it's honestly life changing. I can stream calls from my mobile directly to my implant and am using the phone again after 10 years of not using it! Do encourage your other half to find out more about it, find me on Messenger and pm me if you have questions as more than happy to share info on it. 🙂

It certainly is Jane, it's been so lovely to sit and listen to the family of blue tits in our garden 🙂 @pelly
Late Summer 2021

Love these, slightly tall and leggy this year but I guess that's all the rain. Enjoy your day 🌻🌻🌻

They’re just gorgeous. Mine seem to be taller than usual too 🌻🌻🌻

They're great plants 🌼🌻🌼

Beautiful great colour 😍

Thanks folks, these always make me smile and are guaranteed to brighten the garden 😊 @pelly @anges @loveofplants

Wow!! Beautiful Sue 💛💛💛💛🤎

Thank you Chris, think it's one of my favourites 😊 @midnightgardener

They’re looking lovely 💛🤎💛

Thank you very much Kerry 😊 @kez001uk

@lilybee thank you sue for your kind message. 🙏

Hi Kari, I know things are tough for you at the moment, so thinking of you. Have sent something to you, don't post it on here when you get it as it's just something I wanted to do privately. No idea when it will arrive, post to family in NZ is taking over 4 weeks! Love and hugs 😘 @KariSamuel
Early Autumn 2020

#autumngarden So much to do in my garden and not sure where to start! Another cup of tea is called for I think. Hope you have a bit of autumn sunshine where you are 🌻

That's lovely Sue 💛💛💛 no sun here unfortunately 😳

They're so lovely! 💛💛💛

Although its sunny, it feels cold, though I'm a southerner so most days between now and April will probably feel cold! @midnightgardener

Thanks Ange, some are starting to go over but they're still adding a splash of colour 🙂 @anges

Late Summer 2020

#bestofaugust These are always my best of August, lovely flowers which last for ages and bee friendly too. Enjoy the bank holiday everyone. 🌻🌻🌻

Strange isn’t it but I don’t like bright yellow flowers normally but I wouldn’t want to be without these in my garden. Enjoy your day too 💛💛💛

I have these too. So bright, and flower for ages

They’re beautiful Sue 💛

That looks really cheery. Lovely flowers and so many of them 💛💛🧡

Not strange Jane as I'd never normally go for bright yellow either but I love these! @pelly

Definitely one of my favourites Joan 🙂 @joanboston

Thanks very much Mich 🙂 @mich

Cheery indeed, I smile every time I look at them 💛 @midnightgardener

I’m glad it’s not just me then 😉

Beautiful 🧡💛🧡

Fabulous display! 💛💛💛😍
Mid Summer 2020

#the-one-that-started-it-all Still one of my favourite flowers, still going strong in my garden but joined by many more plants since I joined GTags! 🌻🌻🌻

Sounds familiar! I have this too and it is so tough, a real survivor. 💛🖤

Fabulous plant. Love this 💛💛🖤

I so need to get these 💛

They come back year after year, although I have to control them to fit my space otherwise they would take over! @suerichards
Late Summer 2019

#flashback Probably my favourite flower in the garden this year 💛. Enjoy your weekend 🙂

They used to be one of my least favourite plants but having put one in and it has flowered for weeks on end, they have shot up my list. Will be getting more for next autumn.

I think we all change our minds about plants - have to admit yellow isn't my favourite colour but I absolutely love these and wouldn't be without them now 💛 @jendren
Late Summer 2019

#septemberblooms These are still adding a dose of sunshine to the garden! Enjoy your weekend. 🌞

Morning Sue, aren't they just lovely 💛💛

Lovely! 🌼 such happy flowers

What a wonderful bunch of blooms Sue 💛💛

That's a great display 😊

Thanks Jane, they're certainly lasting a long time this year. 😊 @pelly

Thanks Rachel, they definitely lift the spirits! 🙂 @rachelbrooks

Thanks Rich, the bees love them too! 🙂 @richard.spicer.7906

Thank you very much Alison 😊 @bluefox23

Looking great!! 🌼🌼🌼

Thanks Ange 😊 @anges
Mid Summer 2019

#mondaymotivation These brighten up the garden every year, this is the first to unfurl and there are over 100 more flowers to come - I stopped counting when I got to 100! 😀😀 Enjoy your day. 🌼🌼🌼

Wow, look forward to those photos 😍🌻🌻🌻😊

Thanks Ange 😊 @anges

Thank you lily bee, I will save those, but find a way getting them into some order!! 😊
Mid Summer 2018
Always love these, such a cheery flower 🌼