Deutzia scabra 'Candidissima' syn. Deutzia x wellsii
Fuzzy Deutzia 'Candidissima'
Late Spring 2016
- 6

Deutzia scabra 'Candidissima' syn. Deutzia x wellsii
Late Spring 2016
Please help me identify this plant
No idea what this is. It was in the garden when we moved in. The bees absolutely love it 🐝🐝🐝🐝
@LisaCampbell I think this could be a Philadelphus Virginal (mock orange) blossom🤔🤔
Thank you @greengrub
Saw one today in at a plant sale and it's a Deutzia @greengrub
@LisaCampbell well done l have a pink Deutzia in the garden but the flowers don't look as full and fluffy as your white one 👍👍👍