Streptocarpus sect. Saintpaulia syn. Saintpaulia
African Violet
Mid Autumn 2020
- 8
Early Autumn 2020
- 3

Streptocarpus sect. Saintpaulia syn. Saintpaulia
Mid Autumn 2020
Early Autumn 2020

She’s finally blooming again 🥰 #africanviolet

Yay! I love these plants :) just need some light love and water and they thrive!! I moved mine to the front window and it exploded this year

That's beautiful!
I remember when I received my first African Violet from my step grandmother. I had no idea how to care for it.. and it was dead maybe two weeks later. Since then, I’ve bought multiple African violets, all of which were sent to their deaths, but I finally got it right and I’m in awe. #africanviolet #violetflowers
An amazing amount of flowers! I am a serial killer of these beauties. 💗
Lovely @lissaleolauren please share your secret, I'd love to grow one such a beauty💗💗
@lovestogarden same! It’s taken about four years to finally keep one alive. 😂
@crabby58 I keep it in an east facing window, I bottom water it once a week (depending on how wet the soil still is at the one week mark, sometimes I wait two weeks) with distilled water and a water soluble African violet fertilizer, and I keep it sitting on a tray with water and rocks to give humidity.
That is gorgeous. So many flowers. 🌸
Thank you @lissaleolauren you have well mastered the African Violets 😍beautiful
I had one for like 10 years and it just barely lived. I finally got tired of it and gave it to my sister who grows real beauties. It bloomed for her in less than a month! 😂😂😂 Some have the knack and some don't! ☺️