xGraptosedum Francesco Baldi
Graptosedum 'Francesco Baldi'
Early Autumn 2018
- 1
Early Summer 2018
- 3
Early Summer 2018
- 1
Mid Spring 2018
- 2
Mid Winter 2018
- 9
Late Autumn 2017
- 3

xGraptosedum Francesco Baldi
Early Autumn 2018
Early Summer 2018
Early Summer 2018

26 june 2018 • all grown up, what a beauty! #succulent #succulents #graptosedum-francescobaldi #graptosedum #succulentpropagation #succulent-propagation
Mid Spring 2018

5.6.18 #plantid #succulent #succulent-propagation my first prop ever! doing quite well! my best guess is still graptoveria opalina. seems big enough to identify at this point. #growthprogress

@KelsiBriana the past few days as it's grown more i've been thinking francesco baldi as well! i think you're probably right 😊
Mid Winter 2018

1.24.18 went to joann's today and got these tiny 1" terra cotta pots for my succulent babies. the one pictured is my first successful prop. i'm proud! but i still don't know what it is lol #succulent-propagation

Looks like a variety of #graptoveria possibly? Remember to use the tag #plantid and/or #plantid-succulent for the ones you are unsure of. Let's see what others think! @veepaisal @Soph1e @Yollymac @succulentandfriends @succulentsplants @succulentluv @aloeuverymuch @alovealoe @Muzz67 @hayleyaj @hannahchristine

Super duper cute props! #cutiepatootie

It looks like Graptoveria to me, similar to Vera Higgins except not red

Yup looks like graptoveria to me too...

Graptopetalum mendozae is my uneducated guess. 😁

Cute chubby leaves! I hope my props make it through and look this cute and healthy 😊

Looks like a lovely graptoveria to me too. Not sure on variety but happy and healthy nonetheless 😊

@KariSamuel @aloeuverymuch @veepaisal @hayleyaj @Yollymac thanks so much for your input! i looked through graptoveria in the GT encyclopedia, and remembering what the prop leaf looked like, i think it might be graptoveria opalina. probably too early to tell! i would've tagged it but i figured it was too small at this point to ID.
Late Autumn 2017

11.21.17 this is my first prop that has matured and dropped its mama leaf! i have no idea what it is yet, but time will tell

Good job ! Looking healthy. I've learnt the hard way and try to label now as i was sticking leaves everywhere thinking I'd remember what they were ! Nope 😆😆😆

thanks @Muzz67 haha labels would have been a great idea!! gonna keep that in mind for the future lol
30 september 2018 • nice progress being made here. this is one i propagated from a leaf. #succulent #succulentsunday #graptosedum #graptosedum-francescobaldi #graptosedumfrancescobaldi #francescobaldi