Gymnocalycium mihanovichii var. friedrichii
Purple moon Cactus
Late Winter 2018
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Mid Winter 2018
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Mid Winter 2018
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Mid Winter 2018
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Mid Winter 2018
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Gymnocalycium mihanovichii var. friedrichii
Late Winter 2018
Mid Winter 2018

We're almost there!!

I hope so @gjones though I'll be happy no matter what it looks like ☺️
Mid Winter 2018

She's about to bloom!! Sorry I haven't been posting recently. I just started working at the plant store and I LOVE IT!!! Four months on unemployment are now over...

Congratulations on a great landing! So glad you get to work at something you love.

Oh wow! That’s awesome! Sooo happy for you! Look forward to plant oggling!

@KelsiBriana best of luck to you, it really tested my patience but I'll bet you have better luck than me :)

Thank you so much @sushiwaitress and @Yollymac!!!!

@llamadrama does your plant store sell online?

I am so happy to hear that your job is going well. If you love what you do, it is more than just a job. I bet this is a good fit🌵 @llamadrama

@sushiwaitress unfortunately we do not sell online, only in-store in Brooklyn and Chicago. I know you're in jersey so if you're ever in the city it's definitely worth stopping by. The store is absolutely stunning and everyone there is super knowledgeable :)

@kimguy it's so true, everyone I work with is so similar and like-minded it's scary! And so fun to design plant arrangements for clients and talk about plants all day haha

You know, @llamadrama Garden Tags has some kind of "ambassadors" thingy for getting brick-and-mortar retailers to use GardenTags for marketing. I saw a link somewhere, I'll get it for you. Maybe something to show your new boss.

Maybe the Garden Tags market is more appropriate:

GT Ambassadors:
Mid Winter 2018

I'm hoping this guy in the foreground will bloom soon

They take quite a while to open, but the flowers last a long time as they open and close with temps.

I'll sit back in my seat now Janice 😊 @lovestogarden

Anticipation is making me wait🎶

@llamadrama - Hi & thank you for following me. It will be fun to have you along for the ride! Please feel free to ask or input anything at any time. Bring your pets & hobbies along with you! Have fun, enjoy & have a great gardening 2018. It’s ok if it’s in your apt. The more, the merrier! 🌴🌺🐾

Thanks Carla! Looking forward to getting to know you 🌻🌼🌷🌱 @cschulz02
Mid Winter 2018

Another new guy! I believe this is gymnocalcium mihanovichii var. Friedrichii f Rubra which I'll have to add to the library. I got it as a freebie from a purchase and I LOVE it

Ooo- as do I 😍
Oops sideways photo!