Ficus carica 'Brown Turkey'
- Late Spring 2018
- 5
- Late Spring 2018
- 1
#figbrownturkey #gyo I’m such a lucky girl! I got vouchers for my favourite garden centre as a leaving present from work! Just happened to be driving past on my way home and had to spend it!
Hope you had a good last day.
@charlotte thanks! Yes the teachers had a picnic lunch set out in the staff room and I had some other lovely presents including a bottle of wine and a beer and glass gift set
Aaaw that's nice. Do you have any time off before you start your new job ?
@charlotte nope, driving up Monday to settle myself into my lodgings and starting work Tuesday! Lots of gardening at the weekend and instructions for beloved during the week on watering!
#fig #figbrownturkey Just the perfect spot for my new fig tree with the same pot my old one was in!