Acer Palmatum 'Shaina'
Japanese maple 'Shaina'
Mid Spring 2017
- 5
Mid Spring 2017
- 8
Early Spring 2017
- 23
Late Spring 2016
- 0

Acer Palmatum 'Shaina'
Mid Spring 2017
Mid Spring 2017

So this is what I did. I have washed the roots and put it in fresh ericaceous soil with a little bone meal and cut of the dead bits let's see what happens.

@hayleyaj @icedance

Looks better all ready 👏👏👏👏 awesome 🙂 Laura

Let's hope it survives. It's an awesome feeling when they come back 😀 @icedance

Sure it will be happy now 👍

Looks fab Laura, I'm sure she'll be happy 😃👏

Wow what a difference, sure it will be grateful and reward you 😍

I hope so @Keely 😀
Early Spring 2017

What's wrong with my acer?

Oh dear, It looks like it's died and come back to life, cut all the dead wood off and see of it looks any better. 💚

Yes I agree, remove all dead wood. Is this in a pot or in the ground? If in the ground, I'd advice digging up, removing all soil from roots and repotting 😯

Will it be better in a pot then @hayleyaj as it is in the ground at the mo it's 1 branch the rest is OK!

Looks like it may have been hit by frost did you have one recently ? We had a nasty one last night and Fatsia hot hit hard if so I'd leave it alone till risk of frost has passed then cut back dead but not into live wood as they can bleed sap at this time of year

I've never had one damaged by frost. So I cant agree or disagree with Sam @icedance but for tlc purposes if you could get it in a large pot til it's recovered and happy, you won't lose it. Mine has been in a pot since we had it 15 years ago and gets better each year 😊

Now is the time to prune trees anyway, so in case that one is diseased, I'd remove it so it doesn't spread to the rest of the tree 😊

I'm afraid I have seen quite a few hit by frost this way particularly the dissected varieties like this , it is best to prune Acers from November to January when fully dormant , we often prune out any branches which have died back but usually wait until the end of this month, there are a number of tres which if pruned now will bleed out sap which can ...

Weaken the tree ... love a good gardening debate @hayleyaj 🙂

Just seen it's in the ground so edited previous reply ... if your soil is quite dry or very alkaline or chalky that could explain the previous die back Laura

So do I! But I can only go on experience as can you and it seems we've had different! 😊 @icedance but I still say the same, as we almost lost ours mid summer one year and pruned her right back, you can see what she is now. ☺️

Absolutely Hayley so much is trial and error and rules are made to be broken 😂 that's the joy of gardening 👍 the only disease it might be is Verticillum wilt which affects Acers but that doesn't look typical of that 😘 @hayleyaj
Late Spring 2016
PLEASE HELP. Just found this critter on my poor dying acer. There are quite a few. Any idea how to kill them??
Scale insect @loopylauz
What do i do? @jonners73
You could use a insecticide spray or it you don't/ can't use chemicals try wiping them off with a soapy solution. @loopylauz