Mid Summer 2018
Early Winter 2017

Thanks to expert advice from @blommboer and @christos once I removed this Vanda from its pot and let the lovely silky roots feed from the air, I was quickly rewarded with 2 new flower spikes. Thank you. 🤗

Woohoo 🎉🎉🎉 #orchid

@blommeboer ⬆️

So cool. Gorgeous flower @brightcolours @lotus888

So what's your watering schedule please @blommeboer and @Christos? I've got mine now on eastern end of my house 1400 ft above sea level under 90% shade cloth with 3 sides of the terrace open. Do you feed them? With....?....Frequency? Who'd have thought I could grow orchids? 😊

@lotus888 From the picture I can say you must water every time your sphagnum moss is completely dry. Fill a bucket if you can with rain water and deep the orchid for at least 30 minutes. I can't say anything about light because yours is in bloom so I assume it receives lots of light. ...

@lotus888 About fertiliser I use the rain mix in half strength every two weeks. Hope I help you and in the future to see more of this wonderful flowers.

Ok, the million dollar question. I can tell you what works for me. You need to play around with the advice till you find the right schedule. Note that morebthan 80% of my plants are bare rooted or mounted. I have a semi green/ hothouse if you must call it something with a fair humidity level, around 40% or so. The floor is wet about 4-5 days of the week. In summer i water 3 times a week, in winter once if not exceptionally cold. @lotus888

Feeding - most orchids are not heavy feeders as you noted on Christos reply. When they grow too well, they are not stimulated to flower (survival). I feed in winter only once for growth and in summer once for flowering. When i feed, i use a very small dosage of fertiliser as well. @lotus888

Oh - i use multifeed for flowers and growth. @lotus888 Hope the info helps.
Early Summer 2016

Help me identify this plant

Gorgeous orchid!!

#plantID-orchid @blommeboer @Christos #orchid

looks like a Vanda hybrid

Thanks for id! It was a gift from a friends garden before he went overseas to live. Just throws up that huge spike of orchids...amazing! I'll look up Vanda hybrid @Christos. Thank you

Vanda. @brightcolours

#vandaorchid #vanda

So helpful to discover this Vanda's requirements. Would you recommend bare roots in the little slatted basket @blommeboer and @christos or leaving it in the pot with orchid pot mix? Thank you for any suggestions. Under 90% shadecloth in east side of house.

@lotus888 Personally I would always grow this plant bare rooted. If it is in a pot now be careful with the watering. Water only when the medium is dry. Do not repot it when it's in flower. Can you show us a general view of the plant?

Mine grows mostly bare rooted with the exception of one in a wooden basket, large bark chips inside. I am not sure where you stay but if the humidity is high and water schedule is sufficient, they can take app 40% sun or even more. I saw some been grown in full sun depending on the type. With this said, most of my plants are bare rooted or mounted, I try to stay away from potting. @lotus888

Thank you very much @christos and @blommeboer I will try to get a photo of full plant and move carefully to bare rooting after flowering. I appreciate your helpful advice and comments. How often do you water Vanda's? Misting? Hosing? Drip lines???

Hi. It depends on the growing conditions, especially humidity but you can water daily to every second day in summertime and cut back during winter. Avoid evening watering in general to avoid crown rot. Vandas doesnt store water and the roots should easilly indicate the water requirements. They love humidity in general.
After many of my plants were smashed by giant hailstones I was delighted to find this Vanda on the terrace in full bloom again. 🧚🏼♀️🧚🏼♀️🧚🏼♀️☺️