Yes, it will be able to absorb more water and nutrients and make the plant healthier.,the%20roots%20before%20they%20develop.
Thanks for the advice @kaigia well i think my tomato is okay during the night. No curling.. no droopiness of the leaves.. but in the morning to afternoon. Curling happen again. Maybe the climate is fhe problem
A little help for my tomato. The leaf is a little bit soft and droopy. #tomato #help-leaves #tomatoes #grow-your-own #grow-from-seed #garden
A little advice for my tomato please.
You are off to a good start.😊Tomatoes like to to have their stems buried deep. You will need a larger pot with drainage holes. Put it in a sunny spot.
@kaigia can the roots get more nourishment if its buried deeper?
All growers are fantastic. Well done, I can't wait to get started this year. Fresh start, renewal, growth, positivity... 😁
Yes, it will be able to absorb more water and nutrients and make the plant healthier.,the%20roots%20before%20they%20develop.
Thanks for the advice @kaigia well i think my tomato is okay during the night. No curling.. no droopiness of the leaves.. but in the morning to afternoon. Curling happen again. Maybe the climate is fhe problem