Mid Summer 2017
Mid Spring 2017

Our willow tunnel at work. Keeping on top of the structure better this year.

Hello Louis 👋 Thanks for posting your first photo. 👏 You can find other like-minded gardeners to follow by tapping on Discover and then "Popular" or "Recommended". If you need to reply to a user or just want to say "hello", simply @username an individual i.e. @teamgardentags and that person will get an alert in their profile. Finally, if you would like guidance on getting the most out of the app, please check out our tutorial videos: Enjoy using GT! 😃

Looks good Louis ........welcome to GT :)

@flof1952 thank you very much. Excited to see what other enthusiastic gardeners are getting up to!
Mid season #willowtunnel #pruning today
Wow. That looks great
Very cool, was it difficult to create?
@old_road not too difficult but there were already the original willow put in by a previous gardener so a lot of the structure has come from old growth. Willow is very easy to sculpt with though, you can even cut off young stems, stick them straight in the ground, and they'll usually root very quickly!
Very cool, can you use weeping willow for this?
Hi @jv79 I don't see why not, I believe the new growth is just as vigorous and flexible. Would image it would have a similar effect!