Aechmea Fasciata Primera
Bromeliad Aechmea Fasciata Primera
Early Autumn 2019
- 8
Late Summer 2019
- 10
Early Winter 2019
- 3
Mid Autumn 2018
- 4
Late Summer 2018
- 3
Late Summer 2018
- 13
Late Summer 2018
- 5
Late Summer 2018
- 5
Mid Summer 2018
- 4
Mid Summer 2018
- 5
Mid Summer 2018
- 4
Mid Summer 2018
- 1
Late Summer 2017
- 7
Mid Summer 2017
- 2
Mid Summer 2017
- 2
Early Spring 2017
- 18

Aechmea Fasciata Primera
Early Autumn 2019
Late Summer 2019

A new #flower has emerged on this #Bromeliad aechmea fasciata primera. The last one never faded for a whole year. 👏👏 #bromeliad-aechmea #southerncalifornia 2 September 2019

It flowered more than once?

I agree, Katie, and nothing delicate about them. 💪 @gjones

@heatherdirtyhands the plant has flowered more than once, not from the same piece. That does and pups replace it. ❤️

Thats why I asked because i know they die after flowering but it has pups and then they flower @lovestogarden

Yes, @heatherdirtyhands. The life cycle is mature plant will flower and then it grows pups. Once the pups mature enough to survive one their own, the mother's leaves die off and then, when the pups fully mature they will flower..... And it continues. 💖

Can you tell me how long it takes to mature? Do you repot as it grows or remove pups?

@Flicka, I am not really able to tell you. My friend gave me a big hunk of her mature plant and I have just put it in this pot, like two years ago, and stood back. I fertilize and water. Sorry I can not tell you more. I don't remove the pups, as I like a huge clump. I will be putting this in the ground when I determine where I really want it. 💞

Wow, I’m surprised she was able to do that. I thought you could only remove pups. I have one also, I have removed 1 pup, my pot seems to be getting smaller. I don’t know if I should keep removing pups or put the plant in a larger pot.

@Flicka, my mother has me split her Bromeliad in half with a sharp shovel and only keeps half of it when she decides it is too large. Both sides survive wonderfully. And I usually keep the extra. 😁
Early Winter 2019

The #Bromeliad aechmea fasciata primera #flower is still showing nicely. #bromeliad-aechmea #pink #southerncalifornia #california 16 January 2019


This flower lasted for two years before it turned brown.
Mid Autumn 2018

This #Bromeliad Aechmea fasciata still has her flower. It is amazing how long these last. #Aechmeafasciata #pink #southerncalifornia #california 16 November 2018

♥️ @gjones and @columbiariver

How pretty do yours bloom every year I have a few a different species but I seem to get blooms every other year. Do you have urs in sun. Mine look healthier in shade but maybe it’s to much shade??😊💕

@terrimclaughlin, this sits in a spot that gets diffused to direct sun for about five hours a day. If you do move yours, make sure to do it slowly so as not to sunburn them. This blooms for my neighbor (mine is a cutting from her's) every year, hut only because it is a mature plant.
Late Summer 2018

A #closeup of the small #blue flowers as part of the large #bromeliad flower. #bromeliad-aechmea #aechmeafasciata #pink #flower #southerncalifornia #california 14 September 2018

Such pretty colors

Wow 🤗
Late Summer 2018

More has opened on this #bromeliad. #bromeliad-aechmea #aechmeafasciata #pink #flower #southerncalifornia #california 14 September 2018

Absolutely gorgeous!!💘😍

Thank you @cyndi! ❤️

Thank you @ShelleySnyder. ❤️

@gjones, she IS. ❤️😉

@columbiariver, it took her awhile to pop with these little flowers, but worth the wait.

Wow, such a stunning flower

Awesome 🤗

Yes, @columbiariver, they do last a long while. This one has started a little bit of mildew on the flower, but should keep going fine if I stop watering the flower. 😉❤️

@lesliecole49 @purplebird ❤️❤️

I agree! @columbiariver

Wow that is a eye popper.😎😃😃 @lovestogarden
Late Summer 2018

#bromeliad #aechmeafasciata #aechmea #bromeliad-aechmea #pink #flower #southerncalifornia #california 26 August 2018


Stunning! Just looks better with every photo 💗💗💗


I am glad you are enjoying this beautiful progression. @ohhyouknow @gjones @kez001uk @nikkicasas ❤️
Late Summer 2018

#bromeliad #aechmeafasciata #aechmea #bromeliad-aechmea #pink #flower #southerncalifornia #california 21 August 2018

Wowzerz! 💗 It looks like it is made out of tissue paper!


Lovely flower 👍🌸🌿

Absolutely gorgeous 💗💗💗
Mid Summer 2018

#bromeliad #aechmea #bromeliad-flower #pink #southerncalifornia #california 14 August 2018

That is stunning Janice!💘😍

Yes! I decided to take pictures of it every few days or so to show how it develops. @gjones ❤️

Beauty and Perfection !!
Mid Summer 2018

#bromeliad #bromeliad-flower #bromeliad-aechmea #aechmea #aechmeafasciata #southerncalifornia #california #pink 9 August 2018

This is beautiful 😍

That’s a stunner 🌸


Lovely Janice!
Mid Summer 2018

She gets more beautiful every day. #bromeliad-flower #bromeliad #pink #southerncalifornia #california 3 August 2018

I am loving the color. @gjones ❤️

Wow 💞

Just lovely 💞🌿
Mid Summer 2018

She is blooming. #pink #bromeliad-flower #bromeliad #bromeliad-aechmea #sunburn #southerncalifornia #california 2 August 2018
Late Summer 2017

I am back home on time for this beauty! #bromeliad #blossom #pink

Awesome for you!!! It's beautiful!

What a beauty..

Stunning 👌

Laura, time with my family is always fun. We had good food, lots of laughs and time together....good times are of utmost importance. Thank you. @columbiariver

So Pretty!😍 My #silvervase #bromeliad hasn't bloomed in's been giving off pups which is good but would love to see it bloom again. 😍

#aechmea #aechmeafasciata
Mid Summer 2017

Getting larger! #bromeliad #blossom #anticipation

#aechmea #aechmeafasciata
Mid Summer 2017

A new flower is forming. #bromeliad #pink-flower #flowering

#aechmea #aechmeafasciata
Early Spring 2017

My neighbor gave me this lovely after she divided her plant into thirds. 👏👏👏

That's unique looking🙂

Love the flower!

I ws given one too.. I have the mother plant in a pot indoors. Can you help me out with the care for this plant. I have it in Cactus soil with perlite at the moment. Thanks

It is a beauty! @TeresaHighsmith @lily63

Well, @mardel , I think that is ok. I usually plant mine in the ground, but this one I do plan to keep in a pot in my patio. Soil? Not sure, but some others 🤔 may help us: @gjones @Acetaker @brightcolours @plants

Thank you @gjones !

Wooooooow beautiful.

@mardel they need to be planted in a well drained medium. Orchid mix would be excellent. I use a loose bark mix.

Yippie! That is what I used! @brightcolours

Well done Janice! @lovestogarden

Thanks! @brightcolours
#Bromeliad Aechmea fasciata primera #flower. #pink #aechmeafasciata #southerncalifornia 22 September 2019
Janice, I'm totally jealous! I've got three different varieties and none have bloomed yet. That's beautiful.
Lovely flower 😊😊❤❤
Mark, I wish I could tell you a secret to get yours to bloom, but I have no idea. This one came as a pretty mature plant cut off my friend's. I know maturity does help them to bloom. Thank you. My mother believes in fertilizer and a strong threat. She is little, but gets results. 😂💗 @maldavis
Thank you, I agree. The flower slowly puts out little blue flowers around the head of this flower. The last one really didn't fade for about a year. I was amazed. @midnightgardener @laneygarden @gjones
Beautiful 💖💖💖
Thank you @anges 💗