Echeveria Moranii
Late Summer 2019
Mid Summer 2019

#Echeveria moranii - might have had mealy bug damage in the center. #echeveria-moranii #Echeveriamoranii #succulentsociety #raffle #southerncalifornia 9 August 2019

I always have mealy troubles with mine. I was just about to type that then saw your comment about mealy damage in the middle. I now preventatively treat it.

The nasty mealies do seem to have favorites, don't they. I will be preventably treating more too. Thanks much. @Yollymac 👍💗

Always welcome Janice. 😊
So sad. This #Echeveria was looking so beautiful on the outside and on the inside was dying from #mealybug #infestation. Every leaf has death at the top. No hope for even a pup. 😭 Time to dump soil and all in tied #plasticbag. #echeveria-moranii #southerncalifornia 25 August 2019
Oh no...sad thing when we lose a plant no matter how small
@angiie, I sympathize with your loss too. Thank you. The mealies must go!
Thank you @cyndi @richard.spicer.7906 and @mardel.
@gjones Me too!