Orchid Cactus
Late Spring 2021
- 9
Mid Spring 2021
- 12
Mid Winter 2019
- 5
Late Spring 2018
- 7
Early Spring 2018
- 13

Late Spring 2021
Mid Spring 2021

Multiple #Eqpiphyllum plants are blooming. #pink #epipyllum-flower #orchidcactus #collage #orchidcactusbloom #southerncalifornia 2 May 2021

Beautiful! 😍 They look so big!


Beautiful Janice love those 😍

The flowers bring a smile to my face

@Susanandsteve thank you. They are a rather large flower.

It is that lovely time of year! 💗 @sherrisgarden

Thank you @philstalder - me too! 💗

Thank you @sunlovin

@freddy73 they always make me smile too. Such beauty. 💕
Priceless beauty😍
Mid Winter 2019

@terrimclaughlin, so, as I said, I am not very quick to replant my broken pieces. They usually do fine. ☺️ These pieces broke off of the mother plant, oh, about 8 months ago. A dropped them in this post outside and have ignored them, other than watering them when the pot with a palm is dry. Sunburned, yes, but growing fantastic, even with roots on one. 👍 That is how they are wired. Hope this helps. #orchidcactus #succulent #propagation #southerncalifornia #california 25 January 2019


Thxs it’s a lot of help! They are really an odd shaped cactus but they do have great blooms!!🤗😊💕

So true @terrimclaughlin. Part of the plant is flat and part I triangles.

Late Spring 2018

Another #blossom open. #epiphyllum-flower #epiphyllum #pink #orchidcactus #orchidcactusbloom #hybrid 05/25/2018

Ooooohhhhweeee!! What a beauty!!💗💗💘😍

Beautiful 💗💗💗

Beautiful 😍

Janice are you in LA or San Diego?


Those are so bright and beautiful WOW 😊💕
Early Spring 2018

How to #clean around #cactus. I use long metal #Pinchers and get as close to the base of the unwanted. I should use gloves, too. 😊 #cactus-advice #succulent #orchidcactus #epiphyllum #stringofpearls #seneciorowleyanus #volunteer #senecio

A girls gotta do what a girls gotta do!😄😜💘😍

Yep, and now she has to clean her nails. 😊 Enjoy your day @ShelleySnyder

😂😂😂 getting nails clean can be a real job sometimes!😂😂💘😍

It sure was hard to clean them this time Shelley! I was filthy after working all day and now so sore! @ShelleySnyder ❤

Sometimes I have to pick and pick and pick! And I almost always wear gloves! Of course they are full of holes so maybe I'd be smart to get new ones!? NAW!😂😂😂💘😍

❤❤😂😂😂 @ShelleySnyder they will just get holes too. 😉😂

Your exactly right! That's why I wear them till they no longer even resemble gloves!😂😂😂💘😍

Me too, or leave them safe to not wear out. 💅💞 @ShelleySnyder

OMG! I have some brand new ones that may be 20 years old!😂😂😂💘😍

I love it!!! 😂😂😂👏👏👏 @ShelleySnyder

Surely I'm not the only one am I!?😲😜😂😂💘😍
#epiphyllum-flower #orchidcactus #hybrid #sobrightyagottawearshades 😎 #pink #cactus #southerncalifornia 28 May 2021
Gorgeous 😍😍
So beautiful 💗💗💗
Gorgeous 🤗
Beautiful 🌞
Thank you all! @sherrisgarden @gjones @QT @godfreye @sunlovin @lesliecole49 @emch
Always welcome