The gopher plant is setting seeds! My pesky gopher killed my kuamquat tree😭 and then moved away. This #seed should help keep it away. #euphorbia #euphorbiarigida #gopherplant #southerncalifornia 25 August 2024
I guess I was too angry that I had a Gopher to have entered this plant when I got it. This is a #gopherplant. Some say it also deters moles. All I know is that it deterred the gopher that was digging near my pomegranate, and it went over to my kumquat and ate enough to kill it. 😭 I am glad to see that this #Euphora biarigida is blooming and forming seed heads. I will be planting more of these. #euphorbiarigida #southerncalifornia 8 June 2024
The gopher plant is setting seeds! My pesky gopher killed my kuamquat tree😭 and then moved away. This #seed should help keep it away. #euphorbia #euphorbiarigida #gopherplant #southerncalifornia 25 August 2024