Hoya Carnosa
Wax Plant
Early Spring 2022
- 5
Mid Summer 2020
- 7
Mid Summer 2020
- 10
Mid Winter 2020
- 15
Late Autumn 2019
- 7
Early Summer 2019
- 4
Early Summer 2019
- 5
Early Summer 2019
- 9
Early Summer 2019
- 2
Mid Summer 2016
- 6

Hoya Carnosa
Early Spring 2022
Mid Summer 2020

Dripping #nectar. #fuzzyflowers #hoya-flower #waxflower #hoya-carnosa #vine #closeup #clusterflowers #southerncalifornia 27 July 2020😷😎🙏

Isn't that cool!?

💓 @cyndi

I agree @lesliecole49 👏👏

Thank you, Katy. @gjones

Gorgeous 😍

Thank you @juliesgarden 💗
Mid Summer 2020

So #fuzzy. #fuzzyflowers #hoya-flower #waxflower #hoya-carnosa #vine #closeup #clusterflowers #southerncalifornia 27 July 2020😷😎🙏


Thank you, Laura. Wearing my mask! 💓 @columbiariver

Thank you, Katy. 💓 @gjones

Thank you for the tag Kari! @KariSamuel 💓

Well deserved! 🌸

Gorgeous 😍😍

Thank you @KariSamuel and @sabbanrula 💓💓💓💓

I never knew they did that! Is it like watery or sticky?

Super sticky. That is why I am amazed when people have them in doors. But, Kari, worth the clean up with their beauty. 💗 @KariSamuel
Mid Winter 2020

Well look who is attacking my #Hoya carnosa. 👎😒 Time to get skooshing! I read that leaving the remains on the plant keeps a reinfestation away. They love the new growth. #aphids #aphid-pestcontrol #hoya-carnosa #southerncalifornia 02/02/2020

Oh my! 🤭🧐 I noticed a couple on my hellebores earlier, so they got a finger and thumb massage! Looks like a lot you have there

Love tender juicy parts. Mush mush wash


Holy cow!

Have you ever purchased ladybugs for eradication? I have looked into it a couple times...

@cyndi - You have the right idea! 👏

... and these were only one spot. There were multiple stems covered like this!! 🤯 @richard.spicer.7906 ("massage" 😂😂) @moore.794 @angiie @kaigia @shawnasea

@KariSamuel - 🐞 I have not purchased them, although I have quite a lot of aphid invasions. I had them really badly on my tangerine tree that is next to my neighbor's driveway. He wanted to help me with the bugs and sweetly bought ladybugs. He emptied them all out onto the tree and some stayed and lots flew. I have since read that the correct way to 'place' them is to refrigerate them for a bit to slow them, then open their package and just leave them near the aphids. They will wake at their own

...pace, and slowly find their meal. When emptied, they panic and fly. I always say I will get some 🐞, but then don't. 😊 Time will tell. 💞 @KariSamuel

Ladybugs fly to light unless you can contain them .you would be better to get green lacewing larvae. They are voracious eaters and can't fly away. @lovestogarden @KariSamuel

I have never heard that info....kinda makes sense doesn't it! Thanks for sharing 💚
Late Autumn 2019

Here is my giant, happy #hoya. 😁 She is looking so much better. She has done really well since I reported to a much larger #container, added a #trellis and moved her to get less sun. #hoyacarnosa #southerncalifornia 5 December 2019

That is stunning! How long have you had it? #happyplant

Wow, how old is your hoya?


Wow she is a big one!♥️

Thank you all for your complements on this giant. I am not sure how old she is, but I'm guessing over 15 years. I tortured this poor plant for years with too much sun and too little water...☹️ life is busy. She is from a cutting from my mother's plant. @cyndi @KariSamuel @RedFuchsia @mardel @Susanandsteve

Thank you @cyndi. She seems to have forgiven me and bloomed a lot to show it. 🤗💞
Early Summer 2019

These are the #spurs that form where all flowers will develop from. The left one shows one without flowers right now. The right is great as it shows how buds are forming on the left of it and mature flowers are on the right. Spurs always form on new growth and should never be damaged.

#hoya #hoyacarnosa #indianropehoya #advice-hoya #waxplant #southerncalifornia 28 June 2019

Katy, I hope this helps. The older the spur, the larger the spur. @gjones

So glad💗 Katy. @gjones
Early Summer 2019

#hoyacarnosa #hoyaflowerbud This #hoya-carnosa has very pale flowers and leaves from full-sun living. #hoya #hoyaflowers #ropeplant #southerncalifornia 26 June 2019

Such a fascinating plant

These are wonderful amazing plants! @sharonhayden @gjones - expert, no. Know about these yes. 😁 Always feel free to ask me anything, Katy, the worst thing that can happen is I don't know. 💗😂 Which one did you get?

Katy, your plant probably is this one. It is very common. A flower will tell for sure. 💗 @gjones

Not too long, Katy. My son's just bloomed (kept as a houseplant) after maybe two years. His was grown from cuttings rooted in water. It probably bloomed quicker because it already had #spurs formed. These must form before flowers develop from them. I will tag you in a pic. @gjones
Early Summer 2019

A huge plant now. This #hoya-carnosa has very pale flowers and leaves from full-sun living. She is so tangled it is hard to see her many flowers. #hoya #hoyaflowers #ropeplant #southerncalifornia 26 June 2019

😯😯😯 wow! That is beautiful!!

@cyndi, she is real old and needs a good repot, too. I'm not sure how old she is, but I'm guessing my Mother gave a her to me at least 15 years ago. @gjones, she actually gets too much sun, and that is why her leaves are almost yellow. She isn't easy to move, 😁 so there she sits in too much sun. She should have diffused sun or only like two to three hours of full sun.

@pretty_paws_29 💗😁

@gjones https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=lyYCttZDiAM she's amazing and has this great video on Hoya care.🙂💚

No problem! 🤗 @gjones

Gorgeous plants!

Thank you @Mardel. 💗

Love your garden
Early Summer 2019

This #hoya-carnosa has very pale flowers and leaves from full-sun living. She is so tangled it is hard to see her many flowers. #hoya #hoyaflowers #ropeplant #southerncalifornia 26 June 2019

Mid Summer 2016

@Acetaker here is the larger of the two. I think it needs to be repotted again since she is looking a bit peeked. I was going to put it in the ground with a trellis but I didn't like the way it looked.

@lovestogarden I wouldn't put it in the ground either. If it's flowering don't do a repot. I would just do cutting off of it to take some of the weight of growth. Does it get alot of sun where it's at?

@Acetaker No I was not going to repot yet, but in the future. It was getting quite a lot of sun when I was checking the possible in-ground spot. Now, I have moved it back into my patio where it was before; now it just gets a couple of hours in the afternoon.

@lovestogarden That's good u moved it😊 the color is to much sun as I thought to. I let mine hurt mourning sun afternoon shade about 4-5 hrs of sun. It's so hot this summer that anything that takes sun is going to scorch. Mine has new shoots everywhere, YAYY!👧🙆 I want it to bloom this summer but fingers crossed🙅

@Acetaker New shoots are good!

@lovestogarden Definitely 👍💖
Amazing #flower #cluster that drip #nectar. #hoya #hoyacarnosa #hoya-carnosa #southerncalifornia 17 April 2022 💕
Gorgeous 🌸
Beautiful pic Janice
One of my favorites @juliesgarden 💞
Thank you so much @drumadixit 💕