Sedum Stahlii
Late Winter 2019
Late Summer 2018

#experiment - Are these the same plant and growing conditions have made them look different? Broke off the pieces from both plants tagged as #sedum stahlii coral beads and put in one pot. #sedumstahlii #sedum-stahlii #coralbeads #succulent #southerncalifornia #california 7 September 2018

Quite peculiar! @kelsibriana - thoughts?

Oh, that does look like it. The only reason I thought the one on the right was Sedum stahlii is that a reputable tag was in the pot I got from the Succulent Society. It very well could be you are right and the tag was misplaced. I am going to leave it for awhile as I just placed the order together to make sure with their environment was the same. Thank you so very much! @KariSamuel & @KelsiBriana #gtfriendsrock ! ❤️❤️

I will keep it on hold until the experiment is over, but I feel I am going to eventually rename the one your suggestion. ❤️
This #experiment seems to be complete; these are definitely two DIFFERENT #sedum. The #succulent on the left seems to be Sedum stahlii ( #coralbells). #sedumstahlii #sedum-stahlii #southerncalifornia #california 5 March 2019
@KelsiBriana - Kelsi do you think the plant on the right is Sedum divergens or something else? You suggested it before and it does look close to me. Thank you for your time on this.
This is mighty cute Janice!💘😍
@KelsiBriana they are happy. I really like how different they look now. Thank you for the ID on them! 👏👏 💞
I agree @ShelleySnyder. They are darling. 😊💞