Stapelia hirsuta
Starfish flower
Early Autumn 2023
- 5
Early Autumn 2023
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Early Autumn 2020
- 3
Early Autumn 2020
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Late Summer 2020
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Early Autumn 2019
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Mid Autumn 2019
- 1
Early Summer 2019
- 11
Early Summer 2019
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Early Summer 2019
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Mid Autumn 2018
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Mid Autumn 2018
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Mid Autumn 2018
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Mid Autumn 2018
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Early Autumn 2017
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Early Autumn 2017
- 4

Stapelia hirsuta
Early Autumn 2023
Early Autumn 2023

Good morning all. This #Stapelia hirsuta is #blooming. #stinkyflower #stinkybutworthit #stapelia-hirsuta #flypollinator #hairy #southerncalifornia 21 September 2023


That’s fabulous Janice 😍

#brown #fragrant

They always remind me of skin. Creepy. Mine flowered once and never again it's similar to this but different

Thank you, Julie. I like it's #unique ness. 💗 @juliesgarden

Thank you for the tags, Eileen. 💗 @emch

Heather, they are supposed to look like skin and smell like rotting...... You know. That way they attract flies to pollinate. Try a little plant food. Maybe that will move them to bloom. I have two others doing the same thing. @heatherdirtyhands
Early Autumn 2020

While working near this beauty today, my son asked why I keep these flowers, as they are too #stinky. 😂 #stapelia-hirsuta #fuzzy #southerncalifornia 2 October 2020😷💕🤭

Oh please kid! Where else an you find furrier flowers than these!!! But seriously @lovestogarden, do you ever swap stapelia cuttings? I am in the middle of pruning and could definitely send you a little something REALLY fragrant -- S. lepida springs to mind -- in exchange for a cutting of that fabulous S. hirsutum pictured here...

I will gladly send you pieces of the stinkies that I have 😂 and one large enough. They are sure fun to collect.
Early Autumn 2020

Three flowers at once! First time for this. #stapelia hirsuta is #stinkybutbeautiful. #stapelia-hirsuta #southerncalifornia 26 September 2020 😷🤭

Wow how do you get them to flower 🌸 maybe I regrets asking this once mine does 😷 😂

It’s so unusual Janice love it! ❤️

Bone meal added to the cactus soil, cactus fertilizer on a regular basis, and plenty of bright sunlight will encourage bloom in any member of this fragrant family!

Oh wow! Triple stinky Janice!🤭💘😍

@QT - They need time to mature before they will bloom. I have had one for three years and not sure what it is, as it has to bloom to ID. 💕

Thank you @mich 💕

Good advice @emch. 💕

@ShelleySnyder 💕😂😂
Late Summer 2020

#stapelia #stapelia-hirsuta #upclose #fuzzy #stinky #southerncalifornia 15 September 2020 😂🤧

The texture of these look lile skin and give me the creeps. I recently posted an unidentified pic of a cactus that I think is this or the owl eyes one can i tag u and see what u think?

Looks quite fluffy and friendly close up! 💗

That is what it is supposed to look like @heatherdirtyhands 😂 This one actually looks less like skin than the Stapelia gigantism - it is really skin like. 🤯🤣

Thank you, Katy. I think this one is quite lovely ( just not the scent) @gjones

It is very nice close up, when the flies are not on it, Jeff! 😂😂🤣😂 @jeatacake

Ha ha ha! That would help! 😆
Early Autumn 2019

#Stapelia hirsuta open and #stinky. #hairy #stapelia-hirsuta #fly #southerncalifornia 20 October 2019

I tell people about this plant and they don't believe me but do ask for a little cutting of my plant which you graciously send me a cutting of yours, it has been shared with 4 people already. Thank you Janice

Wow! Amazing looking flower ❤️ love the fuzz 😛

This is so cool!!

They have, Katy! It is the most I have ever had. 👏👏👏 @gjones

They have, Katy! It is the most I have ever had. 👏👏👏 @gjones

They have, Katy! It is the most I have ever had. 👏👏👏 @gjones

Wow, Maribel, I sure should have sent you a ton more! Sharing is such fun with plants. I am glad you can enjoy. @mardel

I agree, @kez001uk. 👏👏👏

It is really cool. Thanks for enjoying with me. @auntieju

@lovestogarden You sent enough, very generous of you the stepelia grows so fast. 😁

@mardel 🤗
Mid Autumn 2019

A #spentflower still showing his #hairy edges. #Stapelia-hirsuta #stapelia #southerncalifornia 20 October 2019
Early Summer 2019

This #stinky #Stapelia has #disgusting #maggots on it. Its #pollenator is the #fly and enough have visited to lay eggs. So #gross. The flower is very beautiful though. 😷😵 🤭 #stapeliagrandiflora #southerncalifornia 10 July 2019

Food for a bird or lizard 🦎


I have a stinky one too. I call it the hot garbage flowers😂 I read since there are no bees in South africa they adapted to flies as pollinators and stinky flowers. Very pretty but very smelly haha

The cuttings of this plant you generously shared with me is doing flower buds but beautiful.

I hope so soon @Annettenoosa 😂

Oh, interesting Hannah. So many different types of plants created just for their special surroundings and we get to enjoy. 💗🤭 That is a great description. 😂😷😵 @Dazenrue2

Maribel, the plant you have is actually stapelia gigantea. It will smell worse and the flower will be tan and huge. They take a while to bloom, but the sight is worth the wait. 🤭😵😷💗 @mardel

@lovestogarden That's awesome, it's doing great. Thanks

@mardel 💗
Early Summer 2019

The LEFT plant is #Stapelia grandiflora. The right plant is unidentified as yet, but search says they are the same. 🤔🧐 #stinky 🤭 #similarbutdifferent #stapeliagrandiflora #comparison #southerncalifornia 10 July 2019

I’d say it’s the variety stapelia grandiflora compacta :)

I'd say beautifil Stapelia ❣❣

Thank you @kimberleyrolfe, I think you are correct! 👏👏👏💗 #compacta #stapeliagrandiflora-compacta

I agree @Annettenoosa 💗😁

You’re welcome :) you have such a beautiful collection of plants x

Thank you so much, Kimberley. Some would say an obsession. 😊 @kimberleyrolfe

What a wonderful obsession to have :)

Thank you @kimberleyrolfe 💗
Early Summer 2019

This stinking beauty opened today. 😷🙊👃 #stapelia #stapeliagrandiflora #stinky #succulentsunday #starfishflower 30 June 2019

Wonderful shades of pinks with a touch of copper glow. Definitely beautiful.


Oh wow fabulous even if it does stink 💕😂

This is the wrong ID but linked now, so can not remove.

Mid Autumn 2018

This is #stillblooming. The top flower is 5" across. #stapelia #stapeliagrandiflora-masson #stapeliagrandiflora #hairy #stinky #southerncalifornia #california 12 November 2018

This one can be 'Mortitia going to spring races carnival'
Mid Autumn 2018

Two flowers! #stapeliagrandiflora #stapeliagrandiflora-masson #flowering #hairy #stinky #succulent #southerncalifornia #california 9 November 2018

I am still in awe how a simple looking plant could produce such beautiful flowers. I hope I am as blessed as you are and have my cuttings blooms. Thanks for sharing

They are unbelievable...... It's that Sci fi again 👽

Wow 😍
Mid Autumn 2018

She opened today and I just saw her. It is so very windy outside, but she has wrapped her petals backwards around the plant and is not moving at all. #stinky #stapelia #stapeliagrandiflora #stapeliagrandiflora-masson #hairy #succulent #southerncalifornia #california 8 November 2018

They are just so weird.. Like Mortitia. Gorgeous, intriguing... In someone else's garden...! 😂👏🏻

Aromatic and Smart too 😁😊

Just like a starfish!!!

Oh, @Yollymac, I love the Adams Family reference! That is one of my favorite TV shows from youth. They did make weird wonderful. I would love to have the whole strange collection. ♥️

I will measure this one tomorrow @gjones. It is smaller than my other Stapelia.

@Annettenoosa, yes! 😂

That is the common name ! @kimguy #starfish

I am sure you would be able to find the whole series. Wait, why not nickname your stapelia with names from the show. 😂
Mid Autumn 2018

Starting to open! #stapelia #hairy #succulent #stinky #stapeliagrandiflora #opening #flowering #blossom #southerncalifornia #california 8 November 2018

Oooh so cute, looks like little shop of horrors @lovestogarden 😘

@lovestogarden Great photo ☺

Looks like a hairy eyeball@lovestogarden

Wow! Spooky!

That is what I thought @tinaaune! 😂♥️

Thank you @anges 😀♥️

@blasome 😂♥️

@awomanonabike 😵♥️

@gjones 😂 thank you ♥️
Early Autumn 2017

I thought it had no scent, but it brings the flies. #carrionplant #starfishflower #starfishcactus #stapelia #stapeliagrandiflora #fly #pollenator

Is that a tiny tiny raffelisia???

Oh, Jacob, I wish! No. It is a Stapelia grandiflora. 😀 @kipcott
Early Autumn 2017

This beauty has no scent. #stapelia #stapeliagrandiflora #succulent #blooming #flower #burgundy

Very exotic 👌

Wow that flower is amazing

@lovestogarden. . That's a neat plant. I can't believe how big the flower is!🌵
#Stapelia hirsuta flower. #fuzzy #stinky #stapelia-hirsuta #stapeliahirsuta #southerncalifornia 5 October 2023
Thank you Eileen @emch
My plant only got to bloom once this year the other buds dried up with the cold temperatures
@mardel -once is good. 👏👏👏👏