Synadenium compactum var. rubrum
African Milk Bush
Early Spring 2019
- 8
Early Spring 2018
- 7
Late Winter 2018
- 7
Late Autumn 2017
- 4
Mid Autumn 2017
- 8

Synadenium compactum var. rubrum
Early Spring 2019
Early Spring 2018

#rubytuesday #newgrowth #foliage #succulent #synadeniumcompactum #africanmilkbush

Love the color 😊💕

Fabulous colour ❤️💕

Impressive coloring💖 @lovestogarden

#SouthernCalifornia #California

How's this plant doing for you ? Mine looks crummy.

It is about four ft. now. I have it n m South side, but it get afternoon sun. Mine is in the ground.
Late Winter 2018

She was outgrowing her pot, so I decided it was time to let her do her thing. Planted in the ground 02/21/2018. #rootbound #planted #succulent #synadeniumcompactum #rubrum #africanmilkbush

Wow! And there's that pot tower!💘😍

Yep @ShelleySnyder . I am hoping the bright pink will help the plants pop (once they get larger). ❤

Oh it should Janice! It'll look great!!💘😍

Thank you, @ShelleySnyder !

You are most welcome my friend!💘😍

#SouthernCalifornia #California
Late Autumn 2017

This color is lovely. #variegated #euphorbia #Euphorbiagrantii #foliage #sunshine

Wow!! That's cool!!💘😍

Very pretty😍 @lovestogarden

#SouthernCalifornia #California
Mid Autumn 2017

She has gorgeous #foliage colors. Too bad her #container did not last long, thought it was a good match. #variegated #succulent #Synadeniumcompactum #rubrum

Yes... plant is well taken care of and thriving... pot is a nice and matches well... maybe you can find another...

Great foliage 💕

She is beautiful!!!❤💚❤💚

But now you'll have a pot for another plant

Very true, @lesliecole49 !


#SouthernCalifornia #California
@sherrisgarden here she is. Scroll over to see progress. This is my eye level, so she is about 5' now. #africanmilkbush #Euphorbia #synadeniumcompactum #rubrum #succulent #southerncalifornia #california 12 April 2019
Beautiful colours! 😊
This is so very cool Janice!💘😍
Thanks !! Mine looks crummy . But only had her a short time so maybe she just needs more time to grow. @lovestogarden
Have you found she likes water ? Or more on dry side ? Encyclopedia says dry but I know sometimes it depends on the climate etc
I bought her for her colors not realizing how tall she gets, but I'm happy with her. It just means more color. @natii @ShelleySnyder
@sherrisgarden, I bought her two years ago or so and kept her in a narrow but tall pot. She probably was kept damp then dried out in between. Now she is in the ground and is fine having all that rain water. I think try flooding and then dry out might be the trick.
Ok I'll try that . Thanks Janice. @lovestogarden