Primula 'Gold-laced Group' syn. Primula elatior 'Gold Lace', Primula elatior 'Victorian Gold Lace Black', Primula 'Gold Lace'
Primula 'Gold-laced Group'
Early Spring 2021
- 3
Early Spring 2020
- 4
Early Spring 2019
- 11
Early Winter 2018
- 4

Primula 'Gold-laced Group' syn. Primula elatior 'Gold Lace', Primula elatior 'Victorian Gold Lace Black', Primula 'Gold Lace'
Early Spring 2021
Early Spring 2020

First flower just opened.with lots more to come

I hope you are in perfect health these days. Babe❤️

I am in as perfect health as I can be @damavand thank you. so far I'm avoiding this awful virus. I hope you and all your family are well and safe.

@Sesiltamen I'm not on WhatsApp
Early Spring 2019

Really hoping the slugs dont get the flowers.

Beautiful flowers @lydiastirling 😍

I love this one too @Venkat

I love the black colored petals of it 😍

Thank you @Venkat and @jyotu me to. I'm really hoping it will spread so I have lots.

Your welcome 😁😁

Sure it will.. I have added these to my wishlist 😊 Thank you @lydiastirling @jyotu

@Venkat I've had this for 2 years now and it has grown quit a bit since I put it in the flower bed last summer. i got it from other nurseries they had more red ones and ones with white instead of yellow.

@lydiastirling that's good to know. How tall does it grow in 2 years?

Not very about 3 to 5 cm tall that's about as tall as they get I think it has spread by about 3cm on what it was when I first got it @Venkat

Good to know @lydiastirling Now I know where I should plant this 😊
Early Winter 2018

Sitting on my kitchen window looking pritty. Will olant it out in the summer in the hope it will come back next year.
Love these.💖

These are on my wishlist this year. I don't recall ever seeing any in my local GCs, but I've decided I really "need" some of those!

I got these from otter nuersarues or what ever they have changed thete name to. There where some pruple ones as well. I hope you manage to find some @emve you could try hillveiw hardty plants they specalise in primoroses and auricula
Flowering again this year. It got a bit over shadowed last summer and became very scraggy. Ive now removed the hardy fusha so hopefully it will do better from now on. lovely to see it flower again.
Thank you @gjones