Prunus Cerasus 'Morello'
Morello Cherry Tree
Early Spring 2022
- 1
Late Spring 2021
- 1
Mid Spring 2021
- 7

Prunus Cerasus 'Morello'
Early Spring 2022
Late Spring 2021

Yay im going to get fruit 😋 🍒 had to net it though as rhe sparrows will strip it they have already removed 13 baby figs from my fig tree. Also had to net my gooseberrys and put netting on the end of the anti cat fencing over the strawberries. #gyo #homegrown #fruit-tree
Mid Spring 2021

The blossom us just starting to open. Love seeing the blossom on my morello cherry. Really hoping I will get fruit. I do like morello cherry Jam. #gyo #fruit-tree #cherry

Your place for tea & scones with jam in the summer then Lydia?? 😋😉

@rhimixx yes. Ive got some of last years jam left so could be even sooner. 🍒

Wonderful! 🫖

@rhimixx are you all back in the office yet? Were still waiting on H&S to say staff can all go back.

I’ve been in the office for a few weeks. The rest of the staff are in but on a rota basis.

@rhimixx Mike and I are in on Fridays, with Louise on Mondays and Rhian on Wednesdays everyone eles except steph are on a rota on Mondays and Wednesdays.
Lots of blossom soon I hope and later fruit #gyo #fruit #bloosom to come