Rosa 'Wollerton Old Hall'
Rose 'Wollerton Old Hall'
Early Summer 2022
- 3
Late Spring 2022
- 1
Early Summer 2021
- 4
Early Summer 2021
- 9
Late Spring 2021
- 13
Late Spring 2020
- 3
Late Summer 2019
- 6
Early Summer 2019
- 2
Early Summer 2019
- 4
Late Spring 2019
- 3
Late Spring 2019
- 1
Late Spring 2018
- 4
Late Spring 2018
- 1
Late Spring 2017
- 2
Late Spring 2017
- 1

Rosa 'Wollerton Old Hall'
Early Summer 2022
Late Spring 2022

#wildlifewednesday nice to see my #pestmanagement system is working. I brought 50 ladybirds and 1000 lacewing learve to deal with my aphid problem.
Early Summer 2021

Yay i have leafcutter bees 🐝 again was worried i wouldn't get any as havent seen anything untill yesterday everything seems to be so far behind including some of the bees

It always amazes me how neat they are 🐝🐝🐝


Me too @pelly
Early Summer 2021

I do love how the colour changes on wollerton old hall rose. Starting out a peach with a flush of pink then gradually fading to cream. The scent is lovely to. #rose #davidaustin #climbingrose #peach #cream

Lovely colour 🥰

Beautiful 😍

Thank you @plants and @anges im currently sitting under its dappled shade drinking coffee and enjoying the scent and colour around me.

It's very beautiful 😍😍😍

Thanks @pelly

Thanks @gjones there making me smile which I need.

@gjones unfortunately no i wish I was its getting very frustrating and tiring now. Work won't have me back in till im stable. While I can sit and enjoy the garden as the humidity rises i get driven back in as its like breathing through soup. Im also a bit bored and desperately want to be working on the fun projects ive got going on at work.

Yes it does make things worse @gjones I think that's what agitating things so much. I hope your husband isn't doing so badly x
Late Spring 2021

To make for a day in hospital yesterday to find i have yet another chest infection I came home and found wollerton old hall has more open flowers #rose #david-austin

Get well soon 🌸🌸🌸

Thank you @anges im just very glad and relived its not any of the other things they were checking for and that I was allowed to come home. Im hoping this will be the last one this year as its my second one in 3 months.

Oh no, take care 💐

I will. Just wish I knew how I was getting them. @anges

Echinacea is good for the immune system and natural 🌸

I think will have to start taking it again @anges

That is so beautiful

Thank you on both counts @gjones I am getting fed up of chest infections.


Thank you @debsgarden99 and @grex

Take Care 🤞Keep well 🤞💕
Late Spring 2020

Does anyone know what this is on this rose bud please

Once I'd this in my plants also, these are sticky. Most probably done by bugs

Thank you @jyotu
Late Summer 2019

Still flowering. As is little rambler and ballerina. #rose #lastsummerblooms

Gorgeous Lydia 😍

Thank you @jaynehynesburton

So lovely 🌹

Thank you @AnnikasGarden

Thanks @gjones
Early Summer 2019

A leaf cutter bee doing its thing on one of my climbing rose. I do love watching them. #wildlifewednesday

They are @cyndi and so fascinating
Early Summer 2019

Lovely to see this rose with lots of love flowers including this large bunch. Has a wonderful murr spice.scent

They're gorgeous Lydia ☺

I'm glad you like them @anges

They start out as soft apricot @gjones and then fade as they age to a creamy yellow
Late Spring 2019

I always think of this rose as being a wedding bouquet flower. Has a lovely spicy scent. Starts of peach and fades to a slightly yellowish cream.

Gorgeous 😍

That it does. 💗
Late Spring 2019

First flower of the year opening in the sun this morning. This #rose has a spicy scent and is a climber flowering all summer. The flower starts pinkish peach and fades to a creamy yellow
Late Spring 2018

First flower more open. I think the rain has made the bloom droop a bit but its still lovely and smells wonderfully spicey when i walk past it.

Gorgeous Lydia 😍

@Lydiastirling,beautiful colour& pic.

Thank you @jaynehynesburton and @ashanil
Late Spring 2018

First of bud to be opening on this rose. The flower fades to a wonderfull cream as it opens and has a spicy sent.
Late Spring 2017

First fower out and smelling wonderful

Such a gorgeous colour
Late Spring 2017

My second new climbing rose ready to go in planning on getting thus one in tonight
Wollerton old hall opening in the early morning light. #rose it's a shame we have lots of heavy rain coming from tomorrow which will destroy all my blooms.
Beautiful 🤗
Thank you @godfreye