Echeveria Dusty Rose
Echeveria 'Dusty Rose'
Late Summer 2020
- 1
Early Spring 2020
- 3
Mid Winter 2020
- 5
Early Autumn 2019
- 11
Late Summer 2019
- 6

Echeveria Dusty Rose
Late Summer 2020
Early Spring 2020

Beheaded my #echeveria-dustyrose. It was super stretched and well now it’s not so yay! Hopefully it takes 🤞🏻 #offwithitshead #echeveria #dustyrose #succulent #succulove

I've been thinking about doing this with some of mine! Any tips?

I just used a sharp knife cut at a bit of an angle and plopped him in dry soil then with wait about a week before I water it. I don’t know if that’s how you do it but it’s worked for me before. @savannahssucculentgarden
Mid Winter 2020

Day 26: Smallest Plant. My smallest plant is my little prop from my #echeveria-dustyrose. For reference I included my fat thumb to show this little bit is about as small as my thumb nail. Unfortunately my living room lighting isn’t allowing my phone to capture this babes true colors but here she is 🥰 #letsgrowin2020 #leafpropagation #echeveria #propagation #growbabygrow #succulove

I just got a leaf from a larger one of these. I hope to get a baby too! ♥️ yours is both adorable and beautiful!

@rosechilders101 good luck and thank you! 💕

I think your tiny plant is beautiful and I love your thumb's style. Black is always classy. 👌

@savannahssucculentgarden well thank you love 💕 my plant, my thumb, and myself appreciate ya 😍
Early Autumn 2019

So the longer this little one has been in sunlight the more pastel bluish-greenish it has become and also single colored. I don’t think it looks so much like a PVN anymore? Do they do this with sunlight? #echeveria-id #echeveria-perlevonnurnberg #succulove #plant-id #succulent-help

Not mine. Let's ask, @gardentagssucculentexpert to check #succulentid

@lovestogarden Thanks for the help! Did I tag it as yours somewhere?

No, you did not tag it, I just meant that my PVN does not look like this in the sun. Sorry a bit too clipped of an answer. ☺️ Mine actually gets very purple.

@lovestogarden oh! I see, gotcha! Yes, my other one does too. It turns a very vibrant purple and almost a rainbowy kind of sorts.

Well, hopefully you can get a correct ID on it. @Yollymac

Thanks for the tag @lovestogarden - I don't think this is a PVN. Also, it's changed so much not due to sun but more water. Stress brings out colouring, the plant was exceptionally well grown in the first photo and that balance looks to be disturbed in the second photo. Here is the link to Dusty rose so you can check flowers when available. 😊

@Yollymac wow okay thank you! I’ll never stop learning new things haha I’ll see what happens next. You’re the best.

You're welcome. If you want the previous look, give it all day sun, but only water when the soil is dry.

@Yollymac okay thank you!

Thank you @Yollymac !
Late Summer 2019

Help me identify this plant 🌱 #plantid #succulent-id #succulove #succulents #succulent-addict

Maybe Echeveria Perle Von Nurnberg? 😅

I agree with @savannahssucculentgarden. Watch as your plant grows. It will be more green towards the bottom if it is PVN.

Thanks @savannahssucculentgarden and @janetandjim !

It's so pretty!!😍

@CrissyLovesPlants thank you!
#echeveriadustyrose #dusty-rose