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Profile Image Maggie Nelson


I've been an avid gardener since 2005. My dear Mother gardened in Portland, OR for many many years. Im also a Master Gardener, teach classes on soil.

Petunia 'Sunsurfcoparu' (Surfinia Series) syn. Petunia 'Patio Hot Pink'

  • Season Icon Mid SpringMid Spring 2018
  • Like Count 6

This particular Petunia is 1 of 2 that I unknowingly created (Hybrid.) I also created a pink Petunia with white Pokadots! This unusual event occurred when I threw spent white blossoms and pink blossoms into an old bucket that had remnants of soil. It sat there for several weeks when after a Monsoon storm here in the Desert I noticed a small green plant emerging. A few more weeks and there growing were 2 different Petunia plants! One with stripes (see photo)the other with pokadots!!
