Cleistocactus winteri subs. colademononis
Monkey Tail Cactus
Mid Autumn 2023
- 1
Early Autumn 2023
- 1
Mid Summer 2022
- 1
Early Summer 2021
- 1
Early Spring 2021
- 4
Early Winter 2021
- 1

Cleistocactus winteri subs. colademononis
Mid Autumn 2023
Early Autumn 2023

Still waiting for a bloom on my #monkeytailcactus #monkeytail #cactus definitely grown heaps since it's last post. Was just a single tail with a tiny baby. Now has 4 tails and another tiny baby you can't see.
Mid Summer 2022

My very own baby #monkeytail #cactus so happy
Early Summer 2021

Never notice how much they're growing until you look back at previous photos. #monkeytailcactus #cactus I sadly burnt a lot of my succulents in the sun. They had none for ages and I accidentally left them out in a really how daym this one stays under cover so got away with it.
Early Spring 2021

#monkeytailcactus settling in. I was a bit worried for a while as he was soft and I wasn't sure why. I read some more about them and it was probably the direct sun? I read bright indirect? Anyone have theirs in full sun and it does OK? Anyways since the move he's now firm and seems to be growing.

That's cute

I got one and it’s going in full sun so I’ll see what happens. 🌞

I'd much prefer it out in full sun but it just didn't seem to like it for me. I'll live through you instead for a while, if yours does well @sunlovin I'll throw mine back out there. Haha
Early Winter 2021

My own monkeys tail. Hey there little one. #monkeystail #cactus #newaddition
No idea what is coming off my #monkeytail #cactus. At first I thought maybe flowers but now I'm thinking maybe it's 3 new tails? Not sure but there is 3 weird growths off my tiny baby. Lol