Crassula rubricaulis
Crassula 'Red Tipped Butterfly Bush'
Early Autumn 2023
- 1
Early Summer 2022
- 4
Late Winter 2021
- 1
Early Winter 2021
- 1

Crassula rubricaulis
Early Autumn 2023
Early Summer 2022

#crassularedtippedbutterfly I do love the colours on this one. It unfortunately has some rust or powdery mildew or something on it. So it's in isolation getting sprayed, sprayed, sprayed but I love the colour. #crassula #succulent

Mine has heaps rust too and nothing seemed to work so I gave up spraying 🙄. Luckily it seems to be fine to be left aside.

All my crassulas seem to always have rust at some point. Even though no other plants seem to. I was considering taking a cutting with nothing on it but then thought it would probably just come back. Glad I'm not the only one though @CatsSuccentGarden :)

Late Winter 2021

Have now rooted and been upgraded to a bigger pot. #redtippedbutterflybush #crassula #succulent
Early Winter 2021

4 tiny cuttings, starting fresh in the world. #crassulabutterflybush #crassula #newaddition #cuttings
Some pretty #succulentblooms on my #crassularedtippedbutterfly #crassula #redtippedbutterflybush #succulent