Mammillaria elongata 'Cristata'
Brain Cactus
Late Autumn 2023
- 1
Late Spring 2022
- 2
Mid Winter 2021
- 6
Mid Autumn 2021
- 3
Early Summer 2020
- 1

Mammillaria elongata 'Cristata'
Late Autumn 2023
Late Spring 2022

Thus one is such a slow grower I always think it hasn't grown. Turns out it has. #braincactus #cactus #mammillariaelongatacristata

Sure has!
Mid Winter 2021

This one takes the gold medal award for doing absolutely nothing. Lol still love him. #braincactus #mammillaria #cactus #swipeforprogress

Swipe for what progress, you ask?

Lol so true @emch, just to show its exactly the same. Hahah

Mine in Vegas wasn’t doing anything either, then only I side of it grew. Unexplainable 🤔🌞

I'd even take one side growing @sunlovin I'm hoping maybe spring will help it along.

It looks good. It was a slow start in Spring for the one side that did grow on mine. 🌞
Mid Autumn 2021

Wanted to compare with the last pic, see if it's changed. Looks exactly the same to me. Though one of the joints seems to have slight rot, I stopped watering 4 months ago and it hasn't gotten any worse. Learning, learning. #cactus #braincactus #mammillariaelongata #swipeforprogress

I have one. It seems to be a slow grower. 🌞

Yes it really does look exactly the same 5 months later. :) I'm just happy it's alive. I'll take slow growing for not dying any day.
Early Summer 2020

These are so cool. 🌞
#mammillariaelongata #braincactus getting bigger. I even considered repotting her, a moment I thought would never come.