Early Spring 2021
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Early Winter 2021
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Mid Autumn 2021
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Mid Autumn 2021
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Early Autumn 2021
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Early Autumn 2021
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Early Autumn 2021
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Mesembryanthemum spectabile syn. Lampranthus spectabilis 'Violet'
Early Spring 2021
Early Winter 2021

I remember when I got my first bloom on this, I was so happy and now I have a few. Really needs a bigger pot grows like crazy. #pigface #succulent #succulentblooms
Mid Autumn 2021

Three blooms? What blessing is this ? #iceplant #succulent #succulentblooms

Lovely color💗
Mid Autumn 2021

An old flower and a new one coming through. The flower buds are weird to me. #iceplant #pigface #pigfaceviolet #succulent #succulentblooms #swipeforprogress

Love the ice plant, I've been looking for them here, but they don't have them at Lowe's or home depot yet. On my wish list😍

I must be lucky theres heaps at my local. It's grown so quick and really needs bigger pot. Some people's are spectacular. :)
Early Autumn 2021

It's out! So happy. Hello my little pig face. #succulentbloom #iceplant #pigface
Beautiful colour 💖😍
Early Autumn 2021

It is a flower. Not open today as there is no sun only loads of wind. Tomorrow's the day I think, and a tiny one underneath it maybe I'll have 2. #pigface #iceplant #succluent #mesembryanthemumvoilet #autumnbloom

These are so pretty. Got them on my wishlist😊
Early Autumn 2021

Is this my first flower? Through the outer layer it looks to be flower texture. I'm excited, had these for a month, I have two this violet one and an orange one. #pigface #iceplant #succulent #flowerbud

I’ve had mine for ages and it hasn’t flowered 🤔

My other one is no where near getting a flower, so maybe the type? That said I haven't had these long and are my first ones. :)
Do they often change colour or are they two different plants. When I first got it, it had purple flowers now the majority are pinkish? Weird. #succulent #iceplant #pigface #mesembryanthemum
The plant I have are mostly orange with yellow centers, but I've noticed since its getting cooler, they seem to be changing to a bright pink with yellow centers😁
The plant I have are mostly orange with yellow centers, but I've noticed since its getting cooler, they seem to be changing to a bright pink with yellow centers😁
Possibly since its heating up here it's changed. Also pretty pot bound now. Thanks @crabby58 for the info. :)
You're very welcome🤗