Othonna Capensis
Ruby Necklace
Mid Winter 2021
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Early Winter 2021
- 1
Late Autumn 2021
- 2
Mid Autumn 2021
- 1
Mid Autumn 2021
- 3
Early Autumn 2021
- 1
Mid Summer 2021
- 1

Othonna Capensis
Mid Winter 2021
Early Winter 2021

The little daisy flowers always make me smile when I see them. #rubynecklace #rubynecklace-flower
Late Autumn 2021

When I first got this and repotted it I thought I killed it. Little did I know how hardy and prolific these guys are. It's in a large pot and was going to hang but not much point now we're moving. You can see it's been facing the sun in only one direction as most of the growth faces one way. I've moved her more into the sun now so get some more lovely red and more pretty dandelion like flowers. #rubynecklace #succulent #swipeforprogress

Oh my!
Mid Autumn 2021

This one just grows and grows. Also loves a good drink little more often than the others. I just touch a couple leaves and if they aren't firm, it's watering time. #rubynecklace #swipeforprogress #succulent
Mid Autumn 2021

Has bounced back a lot since the repot, and a few beautiful looking daisy type flowers are blooming. Better now it's got more root space. #rubynecklace #succulent #swipeforprogress #succulentblooms

They are beautiful ❣️

Looking good 👍
Early Autumn 2021

Repotted the my ruby necklace. It's roots where coming out the bottom of the old pot. This pot is huge and so heavy, has chains to hang, but no where to hang it. #repot #rubynecklace #succulent #swipeforprogress
Mid Summer 2021

Ruby necklace thickening up. When i got it and repotted had no idea the roots where pretty much everywhere from the stalks. Thought id hurt it but it's coming in thicker and even put out one lonely yellow flower. Love the color contrasts. #succulent #rubynecklace
I love this one so much. Barely needs any care and just keeps on growing. I wish I had somewhere to hang it though. #rubynecklace #succulent #swipeforprogress
Wow that’s lovely 😍