Viola x wittrockiana 'Can-Can'
Pansy 'Can-Can'
- Early Spring 2021
- 12
- 2
- Late Winter 2021
- 9
- 1
- Mid Autumn 2021
- 10
- 2
- Mid Autumn 2021
- 10
- 5
- Early Autumn 2021
- 7
- 1
Viola x wittrockiana 'Can-Can'
- Early Spring 2021
- 12
- Late Winter 2021
- 9
One of my non eaten pansys. I found two snails living it up on ol dougy so they had to go away. He's full of holes now. #pansy #pansycancan #winterblooms
- Mid Autumn 2021
- 10
I don't even know how this teeny tiny plant found the energy to make this. But I'll enjoy her all the same. #pansycancan #pansy #flower #autumnblooms
- Mid Autumn 2021
- 10
Another of my pansy can cans. Do pansy not like their roots being disturbed or are they just really slow growers. #pansycancan #pansy #autumnblooms
They can feel transplant shock like any other plant, that's for sure. Are these brown, or more red?
More red, the linaria I have has grown full plants in the same time these have not gotten any bigger at all. Lol :)
Feed them a weak solution of a seaweed feed every week. As the weather cools down you’ll probably get more blooms.
Will do, thanks for the advice. It has been quite warm. :)
- Early Autumn 2021
- 7
Who can? A pansy can? A pansy can can. My first flower on my tiny tiny seedlings. #flower #pansycancan #seedlings
My #pansycancan finally big enough to have more than one single bloom at a time. Lol