x Gasteraloe
Late Autumn 2021
- 1
Mid Autumn 2021
- 1
Early Autumn 2021
- 8
Late Summer 2021
- 2

x Gasteraloe
Late Autumn 2021
Mid Autumn 2021

This one was so small when we got it and now living it's best life in the shade. #gasteraloe #succulent #swipeforprogress
Early Autumn 2021

Haworthia I think? Anyways this one stays in the shade outside, it didn't like loads of sun. I like how the middle leaves look cubic or something. Mathematical to me somehow. #succulent

@beatnikcrab @txgardener @sarahssassysucculents @savannahssucculentgarden @richard.spicer.7906 oh and @hannahchristine of course #succulentid

@docthrill reminds me of a #gasteraloe @mandajayne

Yes the apps say aloe as well :) @hannahchristie itll be my second aloe then. :) with my short leaved ones.

Could be a gasteraloe or a lace aloe kinda looks like my lace aloes that I have

Reminds me of some sort of zebra or lace aloe???

I agree, Gasteraloe. 'Flow' is the most widely available cv. It's a hybrid of Gasteria carinata v. verrucosa and an unknown aloe.

Thanks everyone. You all the best!
Late Summer 2021

Help me identify this plant. My littlest son picked this one for his own. Not sure what type it is. I Thought Haworthia but it comes up as aloe in the plant thing. Anyways I'll give it a go keeping it alive. :) #succulent #somekindofsucculent #whoami

This one is great, my youngest picked it and it was smallish and not the best looking but it's filled out so nicely, I love the colour and the shape. #gasteraloe #succulent #swipeforprogress