xGraptoveria Opalina
Graptoveria 'Opalina'
Early Summer 2022
- 1
Mid Winter 2021
- 3
Late Autumn 2021
- 2
Mid Autumn 2021
- 1
Early Autumn 2021
- 1
Mid Summer 2021
- 1
Mid Summer 2021
- 1

xGraptoveria Opalina
Early Summer 2022
Mid Winter 2021

My darling opalina. I feel like opalina is like it's name rather than what the plant is called if that makes sense. Anyways this is one of the oldest I've had and never once had a pup. Much bigger now though for sure. #graptoveriaopalina #opalina #succulent #swipeforprogress

Maybe start some from leaves? The fat ones seem easier. 🌞

Thanks @sunlovin Ive tried once with a leaf that fell off and no love, I just thought as it's pretty big and had for a while it would have grown an offset. I wouldn't take the offset off either. I love seeing how they grow, im such a newby, they all fascinate me.
Late Autumn 2021

I hate following the sun around but when I see the difference of 3 weeks of doing so, I know it's worth it. This one has coloured up a bit and lifted her leaves again. Makes me feel better for the coming winter. #graptoveriaopalina #opalina #succulent #swipeforprogress

Perfect name 🌞
Mid Autumn 2021

Opalina showing her autumn cool colours. Laying its leaves down as its begging for sun. It's only autumn what will happen in winter? Sigh. Lol #graptoveriaopalina #graptoveria #opalina #succulent #swipeforprogress
Early Autumn 2021

Growing, growing, 3 leaves have sunburn and I wonder if I should take them off but then i think why, it's reminds me what I did wrong. Lol swipe for progress #succulent #graptoveria-opalina
Mid Summer 2021

Changing colors. Only had 1 or 2 days sun. #succluent #graptoveria-opalina #sunstress
Mid Summer 2021

#succluent #graptoveria-opalina #newplant
#graptoveriaopalina #opalina #grapoveria #succulent one of my oldest plants. Turned a nice colour in the sun.