Beaucarnea recurvata
Elephant's Foot Palm
Late Autumn 2020
- 3
Late Autumn 2020
- 1
Late Summer 2020
- 7
Late Summer 2020
- 2
Late Summer 2020
- 3
Late Spring 2020
- 8
Mid Summer 2019
- 2
Early Summer 2019
- 6
Mid Autumn 2018
- 2
Mid Autumn 2018
- 10
Mid Autumn 2018
- 2
Mid Autumn 2018
- 7
Early Spring 2018
- 5
Mid Summer 2017
- 2

Beaucarnea recurvata
Late Autumn 2020
Late Autumn 2020

A little update on my pony tail palm. Yes, I did a bag thing to my poor plant . I cut it up thinking it had root rot and it didn't, its still alive but I have put this plant through so much this year. #plant #advice #ponytailpalm #cuttingitup #house-plant
Late Summer 2020

Help needed..advice need to safe my #elephantfootpalm

Could it be over watered?

@lesliecole49 Great article, I don't see any rot ,feel anything mushy or soft on this plant . The roots aren't mushy I did break some up all the pulling out of the pot i was doing. I have it indoors now. I don't want to stress it out even more. I'm going to wait before I water it for a few weeks. I really hope I don't kill this plant . Thanks for all the help

I dont know a thing about them, but I love google! Good luck, hope you can help it

@lesliecole49 i think if I let it dry where you see damage and have a good watering schedule, not baby the plant it will be ok. Lol

Just curious. How’s he doing. It looks ok here sort of like a scare will build. I love em. Take care. Hope it’s doing good. This was from 15 weeks ago

@terrimclaughlin I'll post pictures today of the caudex, I got into it to look for signs of rot which was none, so I was mad for doing that. I stressed it out so much by removing it from its pot 3 times soon after . I broke so many roots but I finally found the best draining soil for it I am being more careful with watering it. I'm still nervous I might kill it or I damaged it so.much that it's rotting and I can't see it slowly . It looks good for now, thanks for asking love
Late Summer 2020

Its still a hard caudex ,it peeled once I applied the cinnamon . Changed the soil and now I cross my fingers for it to heal...I'm so mad I cut into it to check for rot. 😭😭😭😡😡😡 #plant #planthelp #elephantfootpalm #injured #caudex

Oh, I just posted a link on the other picture. I wondered if it had been overwatered...
Late Summer 2020

Ok guys, i had this plant on the deck under 90 degree weather and for weeks now . We are getting rain decided to bring it in and I noticed the caudex this way. Its hard not soft anywhere leaves look good so does stem....what am I missing?? #plant #planthelp #ponytailpalm #caudex #rootrot #elephantfootpalm #help #needadvice

Not that I’m a professional but I thinks it’s fine. Like you said. It’s hard. So I think it’s ok. 😊💕

I have mine outside too. We’ve had 3 weeks of 100 degrees. Of course mine doesn’t get much direct sun. I mist them at least once a day. Stay safe 😊💕
Late Spring 2020

Finally found my second chance plant again...this one is so big and it only cost me 25$ I think it was a steal. My first #elephantfootpalm was overwatered be me ,over potted by me and babied by me. I plan to do things differently, this one will be with me for a long time. #fingers-crossed #elephantfootpalm #houseplant #palm #succulent #plant #advice #plants #secondchance

I remember your first one. Sometimes you just get one that isn’t healthy. I’m sure this one will do great. Looks really healthy!! 👍🏻😊💕

@terrimclaughlin I'm still sad losing that first one, thank you love

Wow! Good price for such a huge and healthy plant. Just let him dry out between watering. 💞

@lovestogarden Thank you, I definitely will be more careful with this one.

I want to braid his hair. 😂

@lovestogarden She would love it lol

Mid Summer 2019

My poor palm looks so sad, the palm leaves are so droopy and they are easily pulled off. I had to clean her off and repotted it in a smaller pot , she barely has roots and this was due to overwatering. I'm so mad at myself but I hope I can save it. If anyone have any tips please let me know. #ponytailpalm #houseplant #advise-please #elephant #palm #succulent

@gjones Thanks, I hope so too
Early Summer 2019

Help!! I've notice my pony tail palm getting brown tips more than usual and it was kneeling alot more so I decided to lift her up and I was broken when I saw lack of roots on her. I check the stump and noticed a little root rot which I scraped off, clipped of sick roots, washed her up and applied alot of cinnamon. I have her inside were she had always been. I dont plan to repot her for a week . I have never felt with this problem but I have seen videos but I'm still unsure if this will save my

#plantmedic #advice #planthospital #plantadvice

Good luck

I have 2 of these. One really large, 8 yrs old and a younger one. I’d soak those roots maybe put it in a deep bowl just soaking roots those roots are so thin I don’t like to give advice but I just don’t know how good it would be to let those roots dry any longer I’ve read that when repotting you cover the base same depth as before but I don’t repot for years. Maybe google images of root system/ponytail palm. I hope it’s ok but maybe some root hormone applied to moist roots some good Palm soil

I’ve posted mine alittle back in my profile I must mine daily let us know. 😊💕

I must mine I’d soak it right away for just a couple days then dip the roots in the root hormone plant it til your base is an inch or so above the bottom of the base Or you could call a good plant nursery near you and get advice that way. Be careful it looks like the trunk is solid and strong. The root system should thicken up but if u google it you’ll c your roots aren’t too bad. Epsom salt is good for palms-magnesium-read the bag but I wouldn’t feed It anything for awhile til it gets settled
Mid Autumn 2018

After the advice of some #gardentagsexperts I decided to check out the roots of my #elephantfootpalm plant and all looks good ,no rotting it has roots but the soil was too heavy and wet. The bottom of my elephant foot palm. #ponytailpalm #planthospice #succullent #goodvibes

Oh, I am so glad. Where is the perlite? 😉😂
Mid Autumn 2018

After the advice of some #gardentagsexperts I decided to check out the roots of my #elephantfoot #palmtree and all looks good ,no rotting it has roots but the soil was too heavy and wet. I am going to have her dry out of the pot for a while and definitely lift her when I do repot her so the soil won't cover her trunk so high. I had this plant not very long but she reminds me of the drastic changes in my life so I would do devastated if I lose her.#planthospice @lovestogarden @KariSamuel

I wish you all the best. I think you may have solved the problem just in time. It is so awesome to get the advise we need from our gtag friends.🌴 @KariSamuel. @lovestogarden. @tinaaune

Thanks @kimguy #gtagsfriends

Definitely plant it more shallow after she dries out a bit! ☺


Wow! I have never seen the underneath of this plant before. The root attachment is interesting. She should do fine with better soil. ❤️

Thank you @kimguy ❤️

@lovestogarden The roots are very interesting, they are woody hard to the touch. The roots closer to the plant as well when I first felt the roots I thought I had killed them but the more I checked I realized that's how normal roots are for this plant. I learned my lesson perlite and more perlite lol

You are welcome my friend. You have taught me a lot! @lovestogarden

Interesting. I am glad they were fine. 😂 Yes, you got it.... ❤️ #perlite!
Mid Autumn 2018
Mid Autumn 2018

Hello everyone , while looking at the trunk of my #elephantfootpalm I noticed her trunk had this on it. Its dry and some of the trunk is peeling around this area and I'm worried something is wrong with it. Its dry to the touch and nowhere else on her trunk do I see this problem my plant is healthy ,I water her every 14 to 16 days . Anyone know what could be happening? #needadvice #plantfriends #planthelp #peelingtrunk #plantid #ponytailpalm @lovestogarden @KariSamuel

Oh, no. I am not sure on this, Maribel, but if it is dry and hard, not squishy, it may be ok. I would withhold water from it for a long while (which is ok as the #caudex is where it stores it's water). You also may dig down in the soil and find some roots and see what they are like, they will tell if rot has started. You can always remove it from the pot and let it dry for a time. Just make sure no sun burns the roots. How do the leaves look?

Is that little piece laying on the soil the missing puzzle piece? I don't own an elephant palm (yet) so I'm not entirely sure! Indoors? Outdoors?

@lovestogarden The leaves look great with some browning of the tips but I believe that's normal..I did repot her and her roots and stump look good but the soil was too wet so I have her out of the pot drying out I will make changes to everything. @KariSamuel the damage peice was above the soil I've always had her indoors in direct sun so what I think I was doing is watering her too often it looked like the beginning of something but the trunk is hard nothing is soft to the touch

It is really good she is hard. You will probably do well to add perlite to the soil to allow air to keep the roots from staying too wet. ❤️

@lovestogarden I did add perlite the first time I repoted this plant but not enough. Now I definitely will and I'll keep her watering schedule less often

Sounds like "you got this", just like @KariSamuel said earlier (was it this post?🤔). Anyway, good. This plant is a beauty!
Early Spring 2018

Had to repot my elephant foot palm tree it was root bound and the tips were drying up I also going to plant along with it some snake plants but I think the pot might be too big, what do you guys think? #elephantsfootpalm #snakeplant-birdsnest

I think it would look awesome! Are you still going to go with some of you vertical planting too?

@KariSamuel I'm sorry..vertical?

My bad... I thought you had recently posted a picture of a vertical pallet planter.... and I didn't put it on my wishlist, so I couldn't remember who it was!

@KariSamuel it's ok 😁
Mid Summer 2017

How gorgeous is this #ponytailpalm tree which is actually more like a succulent, very interesting huh? Anyone own one tips would be much appreciated. Thanks #birthdaygift #houseplant #succulent #plantid #elephantsfootpalm

I have one, reminds me of my daughter's hair in the mornings, lol! I keep it in my bay window, where it gets good sun, give it a little drink only if the soil is dry, and it seems to be doing well for me.
Update, my ponytail palm even though all cut up its still looking good, I'm not jumping up for joy yet my last one rotted slowly and I didn't catch it in time so I'm nervous of keeping this one alive. @terrimclaughlin this update is for you ,thank for asking #plant #advice-ponytailpalm #house-plant
Where are you Darling?!?
@KariSamuel I took off you can say , I mentally left all I loved and tried to bring myself to that happy place again. I'm soo sorry for not reaching out, I hope you understand.