Calathea 'Makoyana'
Zebra plant 'Makoyana'
Mid Summer 2021
- 4
Mid Summer 2019
- 1
Mid Summer 2019
- 2
Mid Summer 2019
- 2
Mid Summer 2019
- 10

Calathea 'Makoyana'
Mid Summer 2021
Mid Summer 2019

I moved her away from the window, could the humidifier that's on low be to close to it? #calathea-help
Mid Summer 2019

Poor leaves have curled ,this is my first calathea plant and so far I'm failing on its care. #plantid #houseplant-advice #cala #houseplant #calathea-help

@gjones @mardel Thanks for the tag and sorry for replying so late! 🙈 I have a Stromanthe and Calathea lancifolia, but both need a different care. Since I have no experience with this one, I don't know if I can help you.. But of course I can try. How did you care for it so far? ☺️
Mid Summer 2019
Mid Summer 2019

My first calathea it for my bday and it was so huge I decided to separate her into 3 pots . I heard how finicky this plant can be but I'm up for the challenge . Have it in front of a humidifier in my bedroom anyone own one and has any advice please share. #plantid #houseplant-advice #calathea-makoyana #cala #calathea-help #repotting #humidity

She is beautiful Maribel! Happy birthday!!! 💗

@lovestogarden Thank you Janice...she's a beauty hopefully I dont kill it.

You won't. I trust she likes her new home. 💗

#happyplant!! These are #easycare & #easytogrow. Don't overwater! It is their worst enemy!

@KariSamuel I have them by s humidifier and the leaves are already wilting ...ugh

Indirect sunlight. A bright room, a few feet away from a north, east or west facing window. Only very occasional watering. Is it too wet?

@KariSamuel I had it in my bedroom were the light was very low and I have kept the soil moist , I think it might be the watering. I did move her to a different room, my family room downstairs were we get light but not direct sun. So you recommend I let the soil dry out a bit?

Yes. Constant wet roots can cause them to rot. Have you ever thought about getting a light, moisture, pH meter? I have one that I got off Amazon fairly inexpensive.

@KariSamuel I thought about it ...I think I'm going to get one now that I have such finicky plant to take care off. Lol thanks
This is all its left of my beautiful #calathea-makoyana #help #smallplant #humidity I have watered it with distilled water and kept by a humidifier but it doesn't grow, any tips on how to get more leaves to pop out?
It looks super healthy so just give it time...
@heatherdirtyhands I guess I'm just impatient it's been like this for almost a year lol Thanks
Once it's produces tho it'll put a few out