Schlumbergera Truncata Thor-Nille
Zygocactus 'Thor-Nille'
Late Winter 2019
- 3
Early Winter 2019
- 9
Mid Autumn 2018
- 10
Early Autumn 2018
- 2

Schlumbergera Truncata Thor-Nille
Late Winter 2019
Early Winter 2019

My Easter cactus cutting is blooming, so that means I know what I'm doing What do you think? @lovestogarden @KariSamuel #plantfamilies #eastercactus #cuttings #blooms

You got this Girl!

@KariSamuel 😊 thank you love

Pinch those flowers! It will be fine. Let the roots get going more and happiness will bloom later. 💞 Those leaves do look like an Easter cactus. @KelsiBriana

@lovestogarden Thanks love, I just pinched them off and changed the name ,what would I do without a good friend. 😘

So sweet. 💞

Hey, I had a thought earlier, is this a cutting from my Christmas cactus? Mine is also very rounded on the leaf edges, but is definitely a Christmas.

@lovestogarden yes Janice, it's a cutting you generously send me along with others ..that's great I'll change the name, thanks!

💞🕵️ we will get it sorted. 😁 Next year you can let her flower. ♥️
Mid Autumn 2018

My Christmas cactus cuttings have a few buds but the leaves are twisting ,is that normal? @lovestogarden @KariSamuel #cactuscuttings

Twisting (a bit) I would have to say that is pretty normal. But is it getting proper water? The shriveling is usually indicative of needing a drink!

@KariSamuel I give it some water when the soil is completely dry, I say every 5th day I have it in a cactus/perlite mix.

Ok. Mine are in regular potting soil, so I might be missing something.

@KariSamuel Gave it some water ,I also have them on a tray with rocks and water for humidity because with the heater on my house is a bit dry. They are on the windowsill they get morning sun, not sure if any of these things are ok

When a succulent is putting energy out to grow roots, bloom or because of stress, they often become wrinkled. I would pinch off the buds so the energy can go to rooting. This will help her. Your humidity tray is good. Check out: @KariSamuel

@lovestogarden That's great to hear, you put me at ease. The blooms are tiny I'll follow your advice ..thanks for the link. thanks Janice

My pleasure. Keep me posted.

These are not actually a cactus and can do with more frequent watering. Let me see if I can find a link...
Early Autumn 2018

Im in awe, not only do I get to enjoy a Thanksgiving cactus but my lovely friend send me a #christmascactus #familyherloom #schlumbergera. @lovestogarden

😂😂😂😂 I just saw that I miss spelled #heirloom! Oops! ❤️ 🤗 My pleasure.
Go figure, my #christmas-cactus cutting is blooming. Through tough times at the moment this made me smile. #cutting #plant #christmascactus #bloom depression
Could be it’s an Easter cactus?