Popped into the garden centre this morning to pick up a few bits and came out with two of these, each with30% off. Strong plants. Don't normally buy plants at garden centres. #hydrangea #flowers
Wyevale do the best bargains when they discount stuff...only when they discount it. I often find it's even cheaper than the marked discounted price when you get to the checkout too!! Good news re Fitt/party, 👏👍🏻😃
Popped into the garden centre this morning to pick up a few bits and came out with two of these, each with30% off. Strong plants. Don't normally buy plants at garden centres. #hydrangea #flowers
Which GC did you go to, Mark? This hydrangea looks so lovely @marksaunders
Just to Wyevales in Pulborough, they had a few with the 30% off making them about £11.50 each. More than I would normally pay but ......
Wyevale do the best bargains when they discount stuff...only when they discount it. I often find it's even cheaper than the marked discounted price when you get to the checkout too!! Good news re Fitt/party, 👏👍🏻😃
Oh how pretty Mark ......brilliant purchase :)
I was going to say you want to a Wyevale lol. I
Can see why you were tempted. Very pretty 💕