Mandevilla syn. Dipladenia
Late Winter 2017
- 0
Late Winter 2017
- 0
Late Winter 2017
- 5

Mandevilla syn. Dipladenia
Late Winter 2017
Late Winter 2017
Late Winter 2017

Hi everyone, Ive been nursing my mandevilla' s like babies but can someone give me any advise on how to get this one bushier?

@martham - Welcome Martha, & thanks for following me! I don't have all the answers by a long shot, but there are many people on here who do. Your Mandevillas look pretty healthy to me. I think it's more a matter of patience. They are climbers by nature, but do fill out some at the bottom. I would be careful about planting too many other things with it in the same pot. Hope that helps. 🌴🌺🐾

Ok, well that makes me feel better about them thank you ☺ the other plants in there are just some Verbena seedlings that I didnt have other space for 😃 @cschulz02

These are diplodenia. When exposed to low light levels they will grow long vines. Pruning back in spring will promote bush. Grow in full sun. Keep dry and cooler over winter with little fert. If get yellowing of lower leaves needs magnesium. 1Tbsp /gal and water with monthly. Don't forget to leach pot 2-3 x a year to remove excess salts

Oh...thank you I will go read up on it 😊 @moore.794