- Early Autumn 2016
- 12
- 5
- Mid Summer 2016
- 11
- 3
- Mid Summer 2016
- 5
- 1
Solanum lycopersicum syn. Lycopersicon lycopersicum
- Early Autumn 2016
- 12
- Mid Summer 2016
- 11
#firstever #tomato 🍅 is swelling nicely and a second one on the way....exciting times haha #gyo
Yum 😋😋💕
Home grown is so good 😊🍃🍅🍃🍅🍃🍅
- Mid Summer 2016
- 5
My first ever #tomato 🍅 if you can see it ;) #gyo very late potting on (July)as I received the little plants as a birthday present in May...oops.. expectant of nice juicy toms :)
Finally I have a tomato that is ripening #firsttimegrowing #gyo
Take them off the vine and put them in a sunny windowsill indoors. They will soon ripen. Mine did. 😊😊
Thanks @pelly I probably should of fed them more. Cut the tops off the plant to make them get bigger but just aren't ripening. I'll whip them off tomorrow as the wife is getting impatient to when they will be ready haha
Yes Matt. I cut off all the foliage as I thought it might help but gave up in the end. I was getting impatient too @mattfeaton . 😁😁
@mattfeaton put some banana skins with them once you've picked. You'll struggle to get them ripe outdoors now. 😃