Salvia hispanica
Mid Summer 2016
Mid Summer 2016

Help me identify this plant

Hello Megan 👋 Thanks for posting what we hope will be the first of many photos. 👏 You can find other like-minded gardeners to follow by tapping on Discover and then "Popular" or "Recommended". If you need to reply to a user or just want to say 'hello', simply @username an individual i.e. @teamgardentags and that person will get an alert in their profile. Enjoy using GT! 😃

Thanks also for asking us to help identify your plant #PlantID. Fellow GT'ers are you able to help Megan? @PlantDoctor @David @barbaramatthews @justin @richard.spicer.7906 @thedanielrichards @Garyg @linfoster @joanboston @mr_plantgeek @tiggrx @kathy @mikethegardener @GREENFINGERSLTD @jamesshobbs

I have lots of these popping up all over my garden. Dad swears its edible. Couldn't identify through my plant app.

@tiggrx does this look like Sage 🤔 @linfoster

@justin looks more like a species of Goosefoot (Chenopodium) to me.

Definitely not sage. I agree @tiggrx did some googling. Pretty confident its goosefoot. And its edible. Yay!
This is pic of just one branch. The whole plant is over 7 ft tall. I thought it was a flower i planted but now it has tufts on the tips and my neighbor from burma says it is edible and was eyeballing it. Lol he wasn't sure of the name. you eat chia seeds & if so did you happen to drop some seeds in your garden
I do eat chia seeds so I guess this very well could be! I'll let them keep growing and see what happens! Thank you!
I actually planted some of my plants but they're only about 2 1/2-3 ft tall with no flowers, where do you live
North Carolina. I have 8 more of these plants growing. I hope they are chia! They're all taller than me, but I'm only 5'2. 😂
Chia's are supposed to get 7-8 ft tall. I have pics of mine posted, you can compare the leaves.
They also have purple flowers that come up like yours are.