Passiflora caerulea
Late Summer 2017
Mid Summer 2017

I was absolutely stunned by this. At first glance I had no idea what the vine was but after cutting one of the fruits open it wasn't hard to see what I needed to look up. The flowers are amazing as well. The vine has taken over one half of the garden and according to the interwebz it is considered a weed in New Zealand! I might need to get it under control ;) #passifloracaerulea #vine #passionfruit #beautiful #crazyvine

Depending where you are in Australia it's regarded as a weed too. #weed #passiflora

Yum 👅

Ignore all invasive guidance lol! They can invade all they want for me personally, most beautiful flowers in the world hands down!
What an amazing flower. It's just a shame it has taken over half of the garden #bluepassionflower #passionfruit #passifloracaerulea #weed
I agree!
No shame! Lol let these beautiful flowers take over your whole world, i did! still in shock over the new hybrids and catalogue of varieties....Mind you i have now got 2 of 3 bedrooms and a conservatory of full of My babies lol 😍👍👌✌cant wait to see your progress @mhowe22